Lowryder 2: Concerned Parent, please glance.


Seed: Lowryder2
Age: 34 Days

Medium: Coco Coir
Light: 400w HPS (was about 18" away from plants).
Room: 1x1x2 budbox, Carbon Filter extraction, wilma 4, large fan blowing over plants.
min/max Temps: typically 17c/24c (never reads higher than 25c as fan is always on during light)
Nutes: Canna A+B (water/feed always 5.5 - 5.8)

All was going kinda ok until i started using the wilma drip. It was grand for the first 4 days and then i upped the nute from 1ml per litre to 2ml and added some AN BigBud (about 15ml to a 25 litre tank). I was leaving the drip on for about 30 mins per day.

The next day the tips and jags along the leaves turned light coloured. I stopped the nutes then and haven't added anymore. I flushed with a large amount of water that day and then smaller flushes for the next 2 days and another large flush yesterday. The plants are slowly looking worse day-by-day. The new growth is dark green and curled under, looks under developed and kinda dry, the tips are also pointing at the ends like they have been bent. The older growth looks mottled and patchy, some light coloured and some dark.

So they have had nothing but water for 4 days although I have sprayed with a mix of lime & epsom salts a few times. I have moved the light up just in case, although if i put my hand at the tops of the plant its not really too warm anyway.


I'm sure that i burnt them when i increased the nutes, but i dont have a lot of time as they're auto's so wanted to throw it out to the dragons for advice.

All appreciated.


Thanks for the reply Max, i have adjusted all water going in to between 5.5 and 5.8. The res was balanced to this before i watered each time too. I was catching run off at about 6.3, i am told this increase is normal as it passes thru.


Well-Known Member
actually I would think that it would drop because most nutes are ph'd really low.. Maybe your just underfeeding them.


Aye Max, i haven't fed for 4 days because of the tip burn that happened when i bumped up the nute strength. I have just been flushing for these 4 days but I fed about an hour ago with 1/4 strength A+B canna without the bigbud.

How long would you leave coco without nutes after over feeding?

I've read a few places that the coco raises the ph as the solution passes thru it, and thats what appears to happen to me when i have tested the run off.


Just an update, i fed again and they perked straight back up. My PH pen packed up yesterday so it could have been giving me bogus readings for a while for all i know.

The smell has returned too, lovely!



aye, in coco coir. Am working on trying to find a suitable substitute at the moment, will post back when/if i find something whether it works.

Thanks to all those who have replied so far.


So i picked up this stuff, Westlands Concentrated Tomato Feed with added Calcium. Readily available in garden centres, listed as a prevention for blossom-end rot which is caused by a calcium def.

Well there certainly seems to have been an improvement, the leaves are a more healthier green. Maybe coincidence but they grew about an inch or more over the last 24 hours, more than 10% of the overall size. I'll be spraying just after lights on for the next few days and ill post back with some photos.


Well-Known Member
So i picked up this stuff, Westlands Concentrated Tomato Feed with added Calcium. Readily available in garden centres, listed as a prevention for blossom-end rot which is caused by a calcium def.

Well there certainly seems to have been an improvement, the leaves are a more healthier green. Maybe coincidence but they grew about an inch or more over the last 24 hours, more than 10% of the overall size. I'll be spraying just after lights on for the next few days and ill post back with some photos.
Just make sure to back your lights off a tad after spraying and go lite on the foliar feeding or there is a possibility of burning them.. Glad to see things are shaping up..


Just an update, they still on track and no adverse reactions to the spray. I may add another 1ml of the tomato feed to spray bottle.

These were taken on day 41. Excuse the bad photography,



Just an update, the spray appeared to have done its job so i'll be keeping that close by. The tallest hit 2 ft tall today, and one at 18" and the last at 16". I wasn't expected them to be that big but have heard lowryders are up and down genetically, hopefully it will mean bigger buds!

I took these photos yesterday, Day 46 and 24 days away from harvest.


Yesterday i notice lots of tiny white maggot/larvae swimming in my res and around the pools of run off at the bottom of the pots. Very small, very fast jerk-jump motions and are also present in the coco, i can see some jumping when hand watering and lots get flushed out when watering (now by hand). Scouring the forum leads me to believe its either springbacks or gnats.

I have some perlite which im going to put over the coco tops. I have been reading about neem oil and i think i will order some, will take the guts of the week to arrive in the post though.

I'm only 24 days from finish, are these bugs much of a threat to me?



Got some neem oil from the health shop this morning, just going to spray those mothers down. I will report back in a few days with results...

I should really have this as a journal.....


Well-Known Member
They look healthy to me m8 - maybe a tad under-fed (some slight yellowing of the leaves) maybe stick to 3ml or even 4ml per litre now of A+B