Lowryder #2 - Good Strain?


I was told awhile ago by a close friend that Lowryder #2 was a good strain to grow for a first time grower. It's small and apparently harvests alot. I'd like to check with you guys here at GrassCity before I proceed to buy these seeds. Lowryder #2 sounds like an awesome strain to start growing with. Oh, and I also heard it doesn't require much attention. (Not saying I wouldn't pay much attention to it, It would be an inside plant.)

If you have any info on Lowryder #2 that'd be great!
I'd love to know how much one plant can harvest, Does it really take 8-10 weeks to harvest.
Please don't just read, I'll be looking to grow three interesting strains soon to come.
Thanks Rollitup once again!


Well-Known Member
lol nice copy paste job, u forgot to edit "I'd like to check with you guys here at GrassCity before......" to rollitup :D


Lowryder 2 would be the perfect plant for you being a starter. even a lowryder x AK47 cross would be perfect yielding more potent and overall more G's with the same ease as regular lowryder delievers from my experiences. I have 5 of those babies right now (all females thank God) and am looking at roughly a QP maybe a little more. Super easy grow but in my experience, if you want to maximize you overall havest with this specific strain, feed the plants straight distilled water from seed to about four weeks when the buds start to come in. Then switch over to a dilluted 50/50 bud bloomer water solutions for weeks 5-7 and finally when your were im at, flush with straight water and be amazed with your results! Good luck and happy growing