lowryder#2 grow

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
more pics later!


Its about 10 days from harvest..probably more like 15...and i'm notcing the bottom leaves are drying up (BROWN and CRISPY) or yellowing up. like it's dying...HOWEVER, the top of the plant looks to be heavy with buds. the maincola looks thick..i took thee pics about 1 week ago

these are al the same plants.



Well-Known Member
What lights are you using. It looks to me like the light isnt hitting the bottom of the plant. You either dont have enough light or you arent positioning it in the correct place as to hit all parts of the plant. Those buds do look nice though props on the lady. I hope mine are female too.


Active Member
prune all the dead/crispy leaves off , leave yellow leaves though. It is just taking the energy from those fan leaves. Looks great its definately going to survive you dont have to worry about that.

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
damn it..i got to go over PRuning again. thanks fender.

so it's normal for leaves to die this close to harvest? and Dr.Chronic is probably right.. I had 4 42w CFLs on this single plant. sometimes 3 bulbs with reflective hoods. But yes, they floated over the plant and to the plants side, but hardly touched the bottom portion of the plant where the leaves seem to be dying. hmm..Lesson learned.

I would say about 20% of the white hairs are turning Brown. the maincolas leaves and the stems around it are all covered in the white sticky crystals. literally Sticky!! but it doesn't have a taste. smells a couple times a day..

knowing this.. I still have it on 12/12.. should i keep like this till brown hairs are 90% and i bring it down?

i burned this plant so much throughout its life and still is producing..so can anyone tell by these pics a gues son yield? are we thinking GRAMS or a nice fat ONION? ..oz

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
prune all the dead/crispy leaves off , leave yellow leaves though. It is just taking the energy from those fan leaves. Looks great its definately going to survive you dont have to worry about that.


Theres 5 brown crispy leaves. The stem its hanging from are all about 5 inches long..where to i make the snip? do i cut in the middle of the stem or closer to the dead leaf?


Well-Known Member
Closer to the dead leaf. You don't want to cut the stem that the leaves are connected too because it might hermie your plant from stress. Just cut the dead leaves off and it will be fine. Also another CFL positioned towards the bottom of the plant will whip those yellow leaves back into shape. Its not as bad as it looks. Good job bro.


Active Member
"Closer to the dead leaf. You don't want to cut the stem that the leaves are connected too because it might hermie your plant from stress."

This is false, pinch the leaf's stem off where it meets the main stem (so you've removed a dead leaf and its stem) This will encourage new growth, leaving a leaf stem hanging off makes it so no new growth can come in on that spot.

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
"Closer to the dead leaf. You don't want to cut the stem that the leaves are connected too because it might hermie your plant from stress."

This is false, pinch the leaf's stem off where it meets the main stem (so you've removed a dead leaf and its stem) This will encourage new growth, leaving a leaf stem hanging off makes it so no new growth can come in on that spot.

thanks. I actually cut about 3 at the closest part to the dead leaf...I'll make the next few where you said.. Also..i took these pics about 8 or so days. It's been 63 days today. do these pics help tell harvest? waiting for amber color trichs feels like waiting for santa while awake.

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
yo...do LR# plants...get really amber color? shit looks so green and milky crystallly..i want to chop now!! I trimmed a piece...threw it in the oven...put it in a bowl.....lit it up...and sat there thinking about how good that hit was for 5 minutes... I didn't smoke the rest of the night.


Active Member
Those are looking good man!
Wish i got those seeds instead lol.
I ordered me some of those Dwarf mix from lowrdyer, any body tried em?
Am hoping for some details in what they are like/ to expect with em.
drop me a post on my journal