Lowryder 2 hybrids


Active Member
hey man, Just read through this whole thread, this is some cool shit goin on

props to you for doin it

did you say you were gettin the seeds from worldwidemarijuanaseeds[dot]com?

I just get a login prompt when I try to get to it...


Well-Known Member
yeah man, i finally got around to it... still in veg :( life has been hellacious lately. 2 jobs, 70-80 hours a week, moving into a house, juggling an ex and a new girl, 5 sick cats, evil landlords, and negative bank accounts. that about sums it up :D


Well-Known Member
i hope so too! all will be fine soon, just need to get out a small harvest and ill be good. as for your offer, i will take you up on it! but, i need to give you new address, recently got a house (for fairly obvious reasons) :D also, things are settling down a little bit, will be able to go into flower within 1 week. i wanted to before then, but i wouldnt have had the time necessary to care for them properly, so i just left in veg.. here's another pics:


Well-Known Member
lol! true, but as one was leaving the other walked in and clocked me square in the cheek!


Active Member
lol, I'm watchin this thread still man, hope things get easier on ya, thats a lot to handle

hey zoidberg, I'm from michigan too! I just wish i guessed on time for your lowryder seed game lol

random, I know, I'm on Zannies and adderall and my 2nd bowl...for some reason im just really glad to know theres more michigan growers on here lol


Well-Known Member
my last girlfriend told me it was my girls or her...... you notice i still grow.
hah you made the better choice... although the reason my ex and i broke up was because of growing, she had never even smoked until recently, then she was all about it and we got a house together. so i guess she's not technically my ex anymore.. funny how life changes. she always believed ganja made you trip balls and was highly (no pun) against it. glad i could convert her!

Weed Guy

Master Roller
my last girlfriend told me it was my girls or her...... you notice i still grow.
Not that i like to dish out the paranoia, but PLEASE dont end relationships on bad terms.... Nothing says "FUCK YOU!" like a knock from the police at 2am saying an anonymous tipster hinted that there might be illegal substances growing on the premises. FYI don't let anybody in without a warrant, at least you will have time to destroy any evidence.


Well-Known Member
Not that i like to dish out the paranoia, but PLEASE dont end relationships on bad terms.... Nothing says "FUCK YOU!" like a knock from the police at 2am saying an anonymous tipster hinted that there might be illegal substances growing on the premises. FYI don't let anybody in without a warrant, at least you will have time to destroy any evidence.
she sells ALOT of acid....... no worries from her.