Lowryder 2 hybrids


Well-Known Member
um.... i'm not here to argue but alot of sites say that.... like drchronic.... and OH MY GOD! he ships to the usa. this is a forum about making lowryder x's if you couldn't figure that out........ you said something about me going to school?

p.s. i'm 28, not a kid anymore...... well sometimes on the weekends, but that's besides the point....... and i have never not gotten..... means i have always got, that's what a double negative does.... it makes it positive!


Well-Known Member
That is funny, that is exactly what I was thinking. Either he is a computer whiz that can do shit like this in a minute, or someone who has more time on their hands than FDD!

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Nah, that took me about a minute and a half....Bit of MS Paint and a quick visit to photobucket and im set. I know what i double negative is thats why i said "Well then why could he just say hes always received his order." Meaning did you have to go and make things so complicated...


Well-Known Member
Errrm no they don't, they only suck to you because you live in America (The land of the free(or whatever shit it is) but your parcels of seeds get interrupted by customs). They don't even ship to America because of how notorious you customs officers are at picking up parcels of seeds.[/quote]
You act like because we live in America we choose these laws and support them. If we did do you think any of us would be on this site? Also, do you think that by making fun of one of America's "slogans" it will offend us? I was born here and I live here, um yeah that's about it.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
You act like because we live in America we choose these laws and support them. If we did do you think any of us would be on this site? Also, do you think that by making fun of one of America's "slogans" it will offend us? I was born here and I live here, um yeah that's about it.
Errm no, i recently went to NY and it failed to live up to the big hype. We have much nicer McDonalds in europe so nernernenrnrnen. Only joking.
But seriously though, your fast food sucks.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, the past 3 pages have been hilarious. weedguy, i too live in the states, and to date have received more than 20 orders from overseas. 3/4 of which were from places that claim to not ship to USA. most places just put it up as a liability issue. as for american fast food, yes it sucks, as it does everywhere. zoid, no worries here mate! and to everyone else, thanks for stopping by! please keep checking in as the breeding process is right around the corner!


Well-Known Member
I agree the fast "fast" food sucks, but here in Chicago there are some damn good fast food restaurants that aren't franchises. How is the grow going anyways scias?