Lowryder 2 indoor/ outdoor.


Well-Known Member
I was looking at that ONA gel, how does it actually work? Do you just put it near the plants and it evaporates and gets rid of some of the odor?

Because im not using a tent I can't really use a fan to vent it outside :(

They are really expensive but I saw a fan/ Carbon filter combo on ebay for 54.99, didn't think that was so bad, but I would need to buy a tent as well which is another 50 quid - money I can't afford to spend on this grow! haha.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'll get a pot of that to lower the intensity until the Gonzo comes. 40 days is a lot of stank! Cheers mate.


Well-Known Member
First pistils came up today! Will upload some pictures when secondary branching thickens a bit. The smaller one is a smelly bitch!


Well-Known Member
Quite a few things to update on:

Gonzo odor eliminator arrived today, a lot earlier than expected which is a relief. I had it in there for about 50 mins/ an hour and the smell has completely gone. Remarkable stuff.

This week I was a victim to fraud and have been robbed of £450 and It may be some time before I can get this back, because of that, money is extremely tight at the minute so I will not be able to buy any flowering nutes which is a shame as that was originally what I had planned to get. When I was at my mum's house, I was telling her about it all and she gave me some mollasses that she used on her tomato plants. So as of now, that is all I will be using on them.

I am going on holiday for 11 days tomorrow so have asked my housemates to water the plants every other day and will just be relying on the natural light cycle (not using the HPS as they will probably mess up the schedule). This is also a bit of a bummer but at least they're willing to let me keep them inside right?

On with the pictures. The bigger plant is very tall, about 15 inches and the smaller one, only about 9 inches. I apologise for the bad pictures, I've got work in 15 minutes so had to rush this. Wanted to get an update in before I go away.

Both together:

Smaller one:


I'll make sure to get an update in when I get back. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear of the fraud :( I hope they are left in capable hands while you are away for 11 days.. look forward to seeing them on your return.


Well-Known Member
Returned from my holiday to find two very non-lowryder looking plants! They are quite tall and not so bushy but flowering non the less! Smell is really strong above them but odor eliminator is doing it's thing.

Hope you're all keeping well, check them out. Sorry the pics are a bit blurry, took them on my iphone and nursing a killer glasweigan hangover.



Well-Known Member
We may have a case of a hermie here!!! Will post pictures in a week or so.

I've come to the conclusion that these plants are terrible, looking at this as my trial run, going to play around with canna nutes on this one. Next grow I'm going to build a cab and throw a shit load of CFL's in there. My HPS is not on a digital ballast, so it's noisy, chunky and weighs a tonne. I'll get rid of it and that way I don't have to buy an extractor fan/ carbon filter. Northern Lights auto on next run.