lowryder #2 outdoor uk guerilla grow

stoned sardine

New Member
Hey currently im germinating my lowryder 2 seeda for a guerilla grow, soon ill need to plant them so heres my question. Does lowryder 2 need to be regularly checked up on? Its just I have the perfect spot but I have to pass some houses to get to it and some may view it as breaking and entering ;) (making a small hole in mesh fence) ive heard its a pretty hardy plant so minimum visits would be perrrrrfek, thanks guy's


Well-Known Member
depending on how dry it is you may need to check it a couple times a week. any way I say find a new place to grow your spot dosent sound safe

stoned sardine

New Member
Ok that's good then, as long as its not everyday. Thanks na the spot is safe its just long to explain. Lets hope I get some nice buds