lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro


Well-Known Member
This table holds 10 plants and i'll use 2. they are shallow. like 8 inches and i'll use the five inch round pots pictured. Can't show the depth because its wedged it a tight spot and heavy. You can kinda see anyway. This sounds to good to be true. A timer and alot of water and i shouldn't have to open the door for 2 weeks at a time. not that i wouldnt. That is what i'm going to try. The problem is i only bought ten seeds and was going to get my own from 2 plants. I can do the full setup in 60 days. But it shouldn't matter because whatever i get of each plant i can calculate then. I'll prob only get 5 females. In the pics i got 9 sprouts so maybe only 4 for the first grow.



Well-Known Member
amc 5 weeks till your done. probably longer for me but if you post pics along the way i can see a harvest and then have my own a couple weeks later. Good motivation. 400s seem like the best size overall light. you can get enough smoke for yourself untill the next time is done and even get rid of a little here and there. I smoke about an ouce a month give or take. I just started doing this because i'm 27 and need to save faster. I'm not a bum though. i got a job but can't be spending nearly hundred bucks a week. i guess thats why everyones on here anyways. In canada where i live all the bud is hempstar and white widow but the prices are exactly like i said. I live 1 mile from downtown detroit. but in canada. I wouldn't normally write that but everybody and there uncle is doing around here anyways. The auto industry collapse killed my city.


Well-Known Member
Your set up sounds solid and your choice of strain excellent, your yield will be amazing! I also live kinda close to detroit. I usually smoke about an ounce between 3 people in my house in about a week. We all pitch in and buy it though. Im only 18 so I know how hard it is to spend money on weed I definately know how ya feel.


Well-Known Member
So I've made up my mind that I will buy the wardrobe and go for the worlds most efficient clean growroom. I might as well go all out and not dissapoint on this site. I'll have pics as soon as my family is all out for more than an hour and i can get it up here in my room. After i buy it. havn't actually picked one out yet. 1 at home depot has sliding doors for 50 bucks more. not sure yet but i'll have it hopefully today or tomorrow and then i have to assemble it. I can't sleep or live my life like this with a thousand fans and lights going in my room.


Well-Known Member
amc Actually the strain was recommended by the store that got me my seeds. I had heard of them but they said try them and youll be happy. The setup should be really clean and perfect with t5 but i'm kinda pissed that i only can hope for 5 females the first grow. The seeds were 100 and i didn't want to buy ten more. even if i did i still wouldn't be able to fill both tubs on each shelf but next grow when i have a seed supply itll be no problem. but whatever i get off one plant in this setup i'll multiply by 20 and that should be reasonable. my tables hold 10 each 1 on each shelf in the wardrobe. Its definately better to split on bud with someone to get the discount. I try to everytime. Actually i'm going to look online for a wardrobe right now.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to try and block your lights when your going to sleep, it gets annoying, mine are only off 4 hours a day, and go all through the night.... The wardrobe is a good Idea but you should go with a grow tent from an oline hydroponics store and you can reuse it if you move the grow or move to a new place it goes together super quick. And its the same price. Keep me updated!


Well-Known Member
I looked for a grow tent and bought one. i think its what your talking about but the only one i could find was maybe 4 high by 2 wide and 2 deep. i'll put pics up in a sec.


Well-Known Member
never saw one with holes but i would have got it if they had. i could cut holes but right now my heating pad and sprouts are just in there with a couple cfls. If it were bigger i would flower in it.


Well-Known Member
go to htgsupply.com and look at there grow tents, you will se the exhaust and intake holes that I mentioned.


Well-Known Member
I'll definately check them out but its always hard in canada to get things shipped here. It has to go across that stupid bridge and instead of taking 1 or 2 days its 3 weeks. thanks osama!!! Basically if i order anything online it has to be from a .ca website. i do kinda wish i had more time. i could just drive to detroit and get one but at the border they always pull me in so i don't like to cross that much. I may put some holes in mine anyways. i'll just do it neatly and maybe get 1 of those round inline fans


Well-Known Member
No, that is 3 pictures of the same plant, but I have two other plants of the same strain but there a little more scraggly. The shipping situation sucks man, I never knew that.


Well-Known Member
just got back from walmart and home depot. i'm pissed because all the wardrobes are to narrow for 48 inch t5s. I am going to build a nice solid cabinet out of 3/4 inch mdf tommorow. It'll be perfect that ways anyhow. I'll build the interior dimensions to 50 by 26 by 62 inside. I should have it done by tomorrow night. I 'll build it fast. Don't want to dissapoint!! And another seed sprouted while i was gone. Now i have ten with one seed waiting to sprout. these are the 3 hempstar plants that have been flowering now for about 2 and a half weeks. Theyre gonna take forever. But they look like i could get a couple of dried ounces each.



Well-Known Member
Homemeade is always cheaper any ways, good luck, and nice nice picks, thats going to be an amazing looking plant when its done.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. the pic that looks like the big tree is 2 plants and then a small one in my little table. Make sure you keep me up to date with at least that 1 plant in the pic. i feel like its part of the family now. you said its ak47 right?


Well-Known Member
ak-47 all the way man!
Hi, sorry I haven't posted the pics. I had a bad problem with my lowryder plants :oand there are only three or four that are going to survive :cry:. Ran out of water and they dried up pretty bad :dunce:. The one in soil is fine, but thats the smallest. I can't believe I let that happen, crazy. I haven't had a chance to look for the cable of my camera, but I'll definitely do that soon, or buy another. I'm trying to nurse them back to health now, so I wouldn't want to show them until they're better. My other bag seed plants are doing well, thank god and I have more lowryder seeds :weed:, so I'm not too upset. Could be worse.