Lowryder 2 Wilma & Coco



I'm a week or so away from harvest and have been taking pics along the way, i thought i would journalise it for anyone interested.

3x Lowryder 2's
Budbox 1x1x2
Canna coco coir
Canna A+B, AN Bigbud, super thrive
400w hps
Carbon extraction and an array of desk and floor fans to suit the outside temp.

These photos were taken at 2 weeks old. I made a text book mistake and fed them after a week and it kinda stunted their growth.



This is day 34, the plants are still small for their age. My PH pen died, on the way out it was giving wrong readings while i was unaware.



Day 41

i have moved up to 2ml A+B per litre now, i have also started folliar feeding calcium enriched tomato feed which and started and will continue too over the next few posts, resulted in rapid growth. That could just be a coincidence but it did fix a calcium def i was having, it only fixed the def as long as i was spraying every day (just after lights on).



Day 43

The tallest plant is now 18inches and the other 2 are both 15". The tallest does have a great deal of follage while one of them is lush. The 3rd is kinda inbetween but a little different in its own way. Same seeds, 3 different plants.



Day 46

I found loads of white bugs in the res this day. I narrowed them down to either springtails or gnat larvae. A week or so later when i was slopping out i found a dead gnat so i guess it was them. I used neem oil in a spray (1 litre luke warm water, 5ml neem oil, 5ml washing up liquid), this stops them on contact or looks like it. I have read that it spins them out and confuses them so they don't eat, move, mate, evolve. Works wonders, i even sorted a spider mite problem on my chillis with it too.

Buds looking ok, smelling nice. Temp is a problem from here on in, the outside temp dropped considerably. I had to keep changing the config of the fans and light height to keep it balanced, never ending battle.



Day 50

Had some nute burn problems when i bumped up to 3ml per litre. I backed down to 2.5 again for now. I also had another problem which was either a spider mite or a calcium def again. I sprayed with the tomato feed again and neem oil on the affected leaves, it doesn't seem to have got any worse even now.




Day 52

Moved back up to 3ml per litre. I was away for 3 days in amsterdam so i moved the lights on to 24/0 to deal with the cold temps, i will leave them this way now. They dealt with the no water for the trip no bother, they looked great when i got back. It would be fair to say that this was probably the only time i let the coco dry out.

The plants are drinking alot, i am only watering once a day with 1.5 litres per pot. The pots are light enough just before watering.



The smallest of the plants has started getting a pinkish haze to the tops, i remember this happened on of my other grows. The buds aren't as big as the others, they do look swollen thou. I looked thru a mag glass earlier and the trics don't look very swollen, maybe i need to get closer. The majority of the hairs have gone orange now. The plant is 18 inches high.

The bushy plant smells great, the buds are quiet fat although not massively big. Not alot of trics on it but it does smell great. It looks not as developed as the other 2. All of the hairs are upright and whitey/cream. The plant is 19 inches high.

The tall plant is doing great, nice hazy silvery buds building, the majority of the hairs are white, a few orange. It looks to me like it needs more time. The plant is 2ft tall.

They look like they could be different strains... I have read the lowryder gene is a little random in its appearance, they smell like my other grows and the weed as very sweet.

Will update with some more pics in a few days.



thanx dude. They have been on 19/5 till last week when i put them on 24/0 due to cold temps and me being away for 3 days.


So 9 weeks from seed today, they should be getting the chop according to the packet... I lost a bit of time there with a few mistakes so i'm letting them run on a little.

This is the smallest of the plants, i flushed with 15 litres of water this morning preping it for a few days of flushing with molasses followed by a couple of days to let the coco dry out. The buds are fairly small on this plant, the trics are nice and creamy though and the majority of the pistles are orange. It doesn't really show in the pics but the top of the plant has a pink hazy over the sugar leaves and bud. I'll be chopping this plant in half and leaving the bottom to mature some more i think, i did this last time and it worked well.

The other 2 plants aren't showing themselves as being ready yet, especially the bushy one. This hasn't alot of trics and the buds just generally look immature. I think that one will be the last on for the chop, the tall plant will be next, again most of the hairs are still white, although the buds look great i will give this one a little longer too.

These photos are all from the same plant.



Well-Known Member
Excellent work m8 your doing a great job - they look awesome :) Yeah you're right about Lowryders randomness, the last one I chopped was about 3ft tall the one before that about 2ft & my very first one was less than a foot tall (all with very different tastes & aromas/effects) some were very celebral & the others were couch-lock stone..You'll find out for yourself very soon :) top job dude..

P.S: I like the fact you haven't given your girls names like 'Lisa Lowryder' or whatever.. that really makes me cringe!


Here are some pics of Plant C, this is the most immature looking of the 3. If i can get her to shape up and act her age id say there will be good yield.

Photos all of plant C, taken at Day 62 from seed.



A group shot of the ladies on Day 62.

Plants B + C and on canna A+B 3.5ml per litre, plant A is only on plain water with molasses until friday when it begins its dry out.

The outside temps have plumbeted recently and i can bearly keep the room temp above 12c, this is with all fans disabled except the extraction, the lights are also on 24/0 and have been for a couple weeks to stop them freezing.
