Lowryder 2 with CFL's in my closet.


Well-Known Member
Those look just fine, its normal for the plant to lose those first leaves and its just a couple of spots. Did you ever water the tops and have light too close? could be water burns...


Well-Known Member
Almost looks like not enough light or too cold temperatures as far as the wilty look...

I wouldn't worry about the slight discoloration unless it developes on new growth or continues to get worse...



Well-Known Member
Yea seddlings dont get that real STRONG look until a week or two later, just make sure there getting enough light, fresh water (no nutes yet) and fresh air and ull be ok. This has potential ill be stopping in.


Well-Known Member
Well everyone, here's the skinny. Today I added 2 more 23 watt 2700K cfl's which the light total to: 6-23watt 2700K's, 4-23watt 6500K's, 2-17watt T8 6500K's, and 2-85watt 2700K super spirals with a grand total of.....26000 Lumens. I also realized today that my thermometer was improperly placed in the grow room which means the temps have probably gotten up to 95-100 degrees, which is obviously not good. I installed a fan earlier and the temperature has been around 80 since. I hope this is low enough. The ph is at 5.5, and the tds is 512ppm. As you can see the 2 that were doing bad are not getting any better, in fact they've gotten a little worse I think. I really hope they start to get better soon. If anyone sees anything that they think is wrong, or that I should change please let me know. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
How does your root sysyem look? They definately look like heat had effected them. The soil babies is doing well. With that temp down to 80, they just need some time to adjust, 95-100 is waaaay harsh on them, looks like oyu definately fixed the problem...
How does your root sysyem look? They definately look like heat had effected them. The soil babies is doing well. With that temp down to 80, they just need some time to adjust, 95-100 is waaaay harsh on them, looks like oyu definately fixed the problem...
it looks like the soil is what these like.... what type of soil are you using? Im germin 5 low #2 right now... if I were you i would put the 3 that arent doing well soil.... I bet they perk right up... another question for you: where did you get the fixtures that you have 2 CFL per fixture in? and do you have all these plugged into a power strip?


Well-Known Member
How does your root sysyem look? They definately look like heat had effected them. The soil babies is doing well. With that temp down to 80, they just need some time to adjust, 95-100 is waaaay harsh on them, looks like oyu definately fixed the problem...
The roots look ok now, after I added peroxide a couple of times but I think the heat did a number on the ones in the bubbler. The 2 in soil are a little lower so maybe since heat rises they didn't get it as bad.


Well-Known Member
it looks like the soil is what these like.... what type of soil are you using? Im germin 5 low #2 right now... if I were you i would put the 3 that arent doing well soil.... I bet they perk right up... another question for you: where did you get the fixtures that you have 2 CFL per fixture in? and do you have all these plugged into a power strip?
Honestly, the soil is just a cheap bag called hyponex potting soil(licensed by the scotts company). No nutrients in it, but is formulated from organic materials (primarily derived from one or more of the following: hypnum peat, forest products or compost), sand and perlite. Obviously read that last part right off the back. My lights are just those work lamps that you can get at Home Depot for like $6. Make sure you get the ones that can handle 150watts in case you want to add more lights. The thing that's allowing me to have 2 bulbs in it are y connectors which you can also purchase at HD for $2.50 each. If you need to you can put one y connector in another to have more lights, but make sure you don't exceed the max wattage for the light fixture. If this isn't clear let me know and I'll post a picture. They are all plugged into a light strip, which is plugged into a heavy duty timer(it's called this because you can use 3 pronged, or grounded plugs in it), the timer is plugged into a an outlet adapter that gives 3 outlets from 1, and that also has my air pump and fan plugged into it instead of the power strip with the timer since they have run constantly. Again if any of this is unclear let me know and I'll post a picture. Thanks for the input and questions.


Well-Known Member
Well folks, I am 90% sure that the two in the soil are female which is great since they are so healthy. I am 90% sure that two in the bubbler are male (which is ok because I need seeds), and the other two I am not sure yet. Hopefully I get one more female, but we'll see.


Well-Known Member
why you give them nutes in the beginning of their lives.shouldn't you wait untill the end of week 3.just a thought


Well-Known Member
I know, I know, I figured that out too late. I guess that's why they say every grow is a learning experience.
yeah, it is a learning experiance.I know that my self with my first grow(i've got many problems).it's not done yet.Yesterday i've proceed to 12/12. I'm so excited and I pray it's a feme.peace


Well-Known Member
I got my info from oter jounals, most say a "glug" of tsp a gallon the most i have seen is tblsp a gallon, but anymore peolpe conplain of problems Roseman has one of the best & detailed journals on here for hydroponics, WE MISS U ROSEMAN!! Take a read thru his journal... its great, maybe you should start a thread, how much is too much h2o2, i really think this is your problem, the perixide is to oxgenate the water and prevent mold, slime and such, its not supposed to have any effect or nutirtional value for the plant. Here is a website that may help you to diagnos your babies Web Gallery Wizard™ ... Try posting the thread, i think most will agree 3oz is just too much.....