Lowryder DWARF MIX - from attitude seedbank


Active Member
has anyone grown this, and if so what was it like (growing and smoking), i want to grow this outdoors this year


Hell yea dude grow that shit outdoors waste your money and leave all of the good genetics to us good growers!!!!


Well-Known Member
i just posted in another post about this but i can't get the auto's to germinate ,2 different strains from 2 diff breeders pop a tail out then quit? not new to growing and have never had problem germing but this has got me puzzled,gave some to a friend to try his way same results not sure WTF is going on.


Yeah mate give it a go! I bought this pack a few years back before I joined this forum (so no pics etc) but they were so easy and so rewarding decent yield and the smoke was spot on imo. Im just hoping they get them back in stock soon I wanted to grow them again this year.


I got the 'dwarf mix' along with the 'diesel ryder' in my very first grow atm (11 days from germination, 5 plants in total).
Does these give of a strong odor when they flower? (bought these because of their size and supposedly easy to grow factor)
I'm worried because I am yet to have installed a carbon filer and exhaust-fan and I live in an apartment.
Figured I'd just use a 'vaportek vaptronics' crack a window open and go bananas with incents.

Hopefully I can afford having an exhaust fan installed end of April.

Excuse me if I sound stupid as I know a few forum-users like to point out to novice growers.

The thing is, I tried hash a few weeks ago for the very first time, just for the heck of it.
I Used to be ignorant and pretty anti-drugs, but realized I only live once.
Turns out it helped my back pains (scolioses), insomnia and stress disorder and joint pains.

Did a lot of research on medical use and ofc recreational use as well.

So obviously I'm sold.
I just don't want to buy from some sketchy fellow mixing their product with 'god-knows-what'.
Safer to smoke/bake with ur own stuff, at least I know its clean from tobacco etc.