Lowryder Dwarf Mix HPS & CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
yeh its because i live on an island so, the people that bring it in decide there putting alot more at risk getting it here, so the price goes up.

it's the same price for most. its not like im a kid who gets abit smoke from teenagers, i know them in the know and they know no more than i know get me :lol:

basically everyone here pays similar prices. no matter how high up the food chain you are.

it is BS though, no need for the prices they charge.


Well-Known Member
How sucky, you're probably doing right to grow your own. Any more news of the sex of your babies? I wish I had some sort of plant equivalent to the ultrasound to find out earlier. Then again, if I did I'd probably have a bunch of pro-lifers around telling me about the evil of my ways.

Bah, the ambient heat is up today and my plants are showing the first signs of heat stress. Hope they don't hermi. I really should have taken more care in designing this room.


Well-Known Member
i didnt' look for sex since yesterday morning, i usually just check the temps are ok and that they dont need water, i like a suprise. who knows i might get home to a lovely lady. one can only hope.

Try putting some 2ltr bottles of frozen water in your grow box mate, it should bring it down a couple of degrees. or of course the other option of another intake or exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
I have my fingers crossed for you. One step ahead, I already have the 4 pint frozen milk jug thingy in there. Thank you for the advice though.


Well-Known Member
Temps are now down to 25C (77F) so I'm out of the danger zone. It does seem to reach 28C on warm afternoons which seems pretty borderline to me. Must have hit 30C for an hour or so today :S. Worse still, the weather is set to get warmer over the weekend. Deuced 400w hps is overkill. Time to put more jugs in the freezer.


Well-Known Member
Had a nice suprise today when i checked the plants. Iv not checked for sex since i first spotted the male. Turns out so far i have the one definate male. He's goin soon and iv now got two definate females and one definate unknown :lol: two out of four aint bad the other one is the one that started out the biggest. Its got some mute burn somehow and still not showin sex. I'l upload pics tomoro. Night all.


Well-Known Member
i forgot my camera :roll:

eventually found it in the biscuit cupboard and i took a load of pics last night. forgot to lift it this morning, i'l stick up some pics over the weekend or on monday.

im hoping the other unknown will turn out to be female too. *fingers crossed*


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! I'm also looking forward to the pics. What day did the females show their sex? The unknown will probably also be female, the longer 'til it shows sex the better the chance surely.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! I'm also looking forward to the pics. What day did the females show their sex? The unknown will probably also be female, the longer 'til it shows sex the better the chance surely.
well the females showed yesterday, i had to look very closely to see them but the pistils are def there, it does look like iv got 3 females out of 4 so im very very happy :mrgreen: im not going to try make seeds anymore i'l just buy new ones when i need them i think. they showed there sex early i think? i'l need to check the days cause i forget even how old they are :lol:

still have another 2 plants there now 10 days old so sexing them next week hopefully, kinda hoping a dont get another female as i might run out of room. might end up getting 12/12 at my uncles if i get pushed for space.

Edit: The 4 older ones are nineteen days old now. the male showed at day 16 it think it was.


Well-Known Member
well the females showed yesterday, i had to look very closely to see them but the pistils are def there, it does look like iv got 3 females out of 4
WOOOOHOOO get on son lol im pleased for ya mate, 3 outta 4, ya must be doin summat right lol

Well done, bet ya well chuffed.

Im not brave enough to grow from non-femmed seeds anymore, i used to hate ripping the males out.


Well-Known Member
WOOOOHOOO get on son lol im pleased for ya mate, 3 outta 4, ya must be doin summat right lol

Well done, bet ya well chuffed.

Im not brave enough to grow from non-femmed seeds anymore, i used to hate ripping the males out.
mate i was over the moon when i spotted them :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:, like a kid that just got all the sweets he could ask for :lol:

i was really surprised that i got three, i heard there's a bad ratio of m/f in lowryders, the ganja god/goddess must be on my side :mrgreen:

male is outa there tonight, need more space for my babies.


Well-Known Member
Cool man, i can feel your joy lol

Well lets hope the rest of the grow goes just as smoothly eh.

And the ganja goddess blesses you with loadsa bud from those fems, im sure it will mate ;-)


Well-Known Member
i think the biggest one is hungry at the mo, its yelowing along the yips and edges of the leaves and it looks darker green in the middle of the leaves and light towards the edges. do you think its hungry mate?

i could have showed you if i never forgot the camera.


Well-Known Member
its only been in the current pot a couple of days now, it started the rubbery leaves and slight yellowing in the last pot it was in. the soil is just the B&Q stuff again. none of the others are showing this only onem thats why im confused :confused:


Well-Known Member
I've read somewhere that the pH of that B and Q stuff is very low. The yellowing of the tips and sides sounds consistent so that would be my guess. Get someone else's opinion though, I'm not a very experienced diagnostician. :s I put my deuced plants in MG, it's a miracle they haven't suffered nute burn.


Well-Known Member
its only been in the current pot a couple of days now, it started the rubbery leaves and slight yellowing in the last pot it was in. the soil is just the B&Q stuff again. none of the others are showing this only onem thats why im confused :confused:
Hmmmmmmm shouldnt be hungry if its only just gone into fresh pot n compo, its nothin to do with ph i know that much, what B&Q compo is it? John innes? which number?