Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

HI Stoner Barbie,
Im sorry I was referring to the quicky meathod... when you just cant wait to hang it to dry.. when you want to sample a bud real fast.. I know you mentioned right off the plant fresh the bud is to harsh. So I thought you ment take that one bud and stick it in a jar for a couple days then smoke it????????????
doing that you will be there forever trying to get a drag but your bud will just keep going out..It need to be dried before you can smoke properly
for a quickie dry i throw a bud on top of the baseboard heater and turn the heat up a few degrees...within an hour it's dry enough to roll up....not the best tasting but hey
all great ideas ya'll.

well i went to the firing range yesterday to try my hand at shooting a 22. all i ever shot was an M16 A2 service rifle so i was not sure what to expect or if i could even hit the target. out of 50 rounds i hit 8 in the 8 points section and 7 in the 9 point section and then all of the rest were in the 10 points. i was thrilled! but my hubby was like, there is no way that i am buying you a gun now. lol but he is, i want the ruger mark III with the pink wood embelishment on the grip that has the susan b ribbon on it. bad ass.
all great ideas ya'll.

well i went to the firing range yesterday to try my hand at shooting a 22. all i ever shot was an M16 A2 service rifle so i was not sure what to expect or if i could even hit the target. out of 50 rounds i hit 8 in the 8 points section and 7 in the 9 point section and then all of the rest were in the 10 points. i was thrilled! but my hubby was like, there is no way that i am buying you a gun now. lol but he is, i want the ruger mark III with the pink wood embelishment on the grip that has the susan b ribbon on it. bad ass.
:leaf:Hey girl, you MUST check out the GLOCK, if you havent already. I have a Glock 19 bad ass 9mm.... and that gun is amazing. I mean It is so super easy to use. Feels so good in your hand, its poweful and target friendly. I dont go to the range often, but when I do using my Glock, I am hitting bullseye or very close. When I pick up my Glock I feel the Power and confidence needed for protection..:leaf:
Good luck with your decision. Im glad your keeping yourself safe in this fucked up world. That ruger sounds super cool. I would LOVE a pink gun. Im waiting for them to come out with a PINK Glock. If they do I will be the first in line. Ive tried so many other guns but nothing compares.... Peace :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
all great ideas ya'll.

well i went to the firing range yesterday to try my hand at shooting a 22. all i ever shot was an M16 A2 service rifle so i was not sure what to expect or if i could even hit the target. out of 50 rounds i hit 8 in the 8 points section and 7 in the 9 point section and then all of the rest were in the 10 points. i was thrilled! but my hubby was like, there is no way that i am buying you a gun now. lol but he is, i want the ruger mark III with the pink wood embelishment on the grip that has the susan b ribbon on it. bad ass.
lol nice, I used to shoot my .50cal AE like every weekend, good time. sounds like a nice piece you are getting.
:leaf:Hey girl, you MUST check out the GLOCK, if you havent already. I have a Glock 19 bad ass 9mm.... and that gun is amazing. I mean It is so super easy to use. Feels so good in your hand, its poweful and target friendly. I dont go to the range often, but when I do using my Glock, I am hitting bullseye or very close. When I pick up my Glock I feel the Power and confidence needed for protection..:leaf:
Good luck with your decision. Im glad your keeping yourself safe in this fucked up world. That ruger sounds super cool. I would LOVE a pink gun. Im waiting for them to come out with a PINK Glock. If they do I will be the first in line. Ive tried so many other guns but nothing compares.... Peace :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

no no Doc.... Sig Saur P239.... every lady's gun!! It fits nice in our small hands.... has 9mm caliber so it doesn't kick back too hard like a .45! See - just like that!
I never leave home without it!

Right - so the girls agree on the ganja problem... but now we're gonna fight over the guns.... ROFLMAO!
Right on Barbie! I didn't know you were a gun gal, (you too kiki!) Very glad to hear that your taking advantage of the second amendment! I am a gun nut myself! Between me and my family we literally have an entire arsenal of any sort of legal rifle/pistol/shotgun you can imagine :)

I am a Walther man myself, Walther P99 QA(Quick Action) .40 cal and a Kimber Crimson Carry II .45 are my two carry guns of choice. I pray to the good Lord above that I never have to use them in a situation, but if I do, God help the fellow that makes that mistake...
Man i know i love my p 90 ruger..That thing fits perfect in my hand and no kick back for me.Everytime i shoot a target its chest shots or close to the head.Im scared of myself when i shoot that thing lmao...
Yes we have the best ladies on our threads..... and yes the my First and Second and Fourteenth Amendment rights are very near and dear to my heart!
:leaf:Hey girl, you MUST check out the GLOCK, if you havent already. I have a Glock 19 bad ass 9mm.... and that gun is amazing. I mean It is so super easy to use. Feels so good in your hand, its poweful and target friendly. I dont go to the range often, but when I do using my Glock, I am hitting bullseye or very close. When I pick up my Glock I feel the Power and confidence needed for protection..:leaf:
Good luck with your decision. Im glad your keeping yourself safe in this fucked up world. That ruger sounds super cool. I would LOVE a pink gun. Im waiting for them to come out with a PINK Glock. If they do I will be the first in line. Ive tried so many other guns but nothing compares.... Peace :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Yeah my man keeps talking about it, i think that i will fire one at the range to see if i like it. the one i used was sooooooo accurate, it kinda reminded me of the m16, but mini and cute. lol don't worry guys i don't think of it as an accessory so quit shaking your heads. lol the way i look at it, if i am going to have said weapon, at least its going to be pretty.

us girls do need to stay safe and not only know how to use a weapon but also be able to take one away from some dumb ass and set them straight.

and you know barbie, it has to pink! :hug:

LMFAO... a girl after my own heart Barbie! I love shooting!!! I have a 20 gauge shotgun thats no joke. LOL, How is your last baby doing?

holy crap, shot guns knock me on my arse, lol. my babies are doing great, i'll get picks up hear in a bit. i am super medicated right now, just call me betty crocker cause i am doing some serious baking right now. I took a little popcorn bud from my lowryder auto and smoked it in my vape. holy bud bowl batman. kinda fruity but its funny because it almost smells like dog crap when you just get a whiff of it, but if you really stick your nose in it then you can smell some fruitiness. i like this strain!

lol nice, I used to shoot my .50cal AE like every weekend, good time. sounds like a nice piece you are getting.

right on, i bet that mother effer is freaking loud!

no no Doc.... Sig Saur P239.... every lady's gun!! It fits nice in our small hands.... has 9mm caliber so it doesn't kick back too hard like a .45! See - just like that!
I never leave home without it!

Right - so the girls agree on the ganja problem... but now we're gonna fight over the guns.... ROFLMAO!

you rock! i don't know a whole lot of the terminology on hand guns or the names of them which is kinda sad because i was in the military. all i knew is that i was good at it and made my adrenaline rush which = fun.

Ganja, guns and girls! What a great combination!!! LOL

i could not agree more.

Right on Barbie! I didn't know you were a gun gal, (you too kiki!) Very glad to hear that your taking advantage of the second amendment! I am a gun nut myself! Between me and my family we literally have an entire arsenal of any sort of legal rifle/pistol/shotgun you can imagine :)

I am a Walther man myself, Walther P99 QA(Quick Action) .40 cal and a Kimber Crimson Carry II .45 are my two carry guns of choice. I pray to the good Lord above that I never have to use them in a situation, but if I do, God help the fellow that makes that mistake...

i hear ya on that, i like the judge too. it just looks bad ass.

Man i know i love my p 90 ruger..That thing fits perfect in my hand and no kick back for me.Everytime i shoot a target its chest shots or close to the head.Im scared of myself when i shoot that thing lmao...

right? now i have all these hand guns that i am going to have to try out.

Yes we have the best ladies on our threads..... and yes the my First and Second and Fourteenth Amendment rights are very near and dear to my heart!

i hear ya on that, i like the judge too. it just looks bad ass.

I have a 4-10 shotgun I used to hunt squirrels with my Dad, I can't even image how that would feel to fire with one hand in a pistol. I wouldn't come sneaking around your house especially at night with out a phone call if I knew you were packing that thing! Holly crap!
lol you guys crack me up.

all of the trichs are turning milky so i wil give her a few more days. i took a very tiny popcorn bud from her yesterday and smiked it in my vape. very nice!!! a lot stronger than i thought it would be. a very happy high too. the smell of her is very strong, almost smells like dog poo. (or like my husband said "it smelss like a lingering fart that just won't go away.") hahahhahaaaaa but when you get your nose right up to her you can smell fruitiness.

i have some pics of the trichs, can ya'll look at them and let me know what you think?

the blueberry auto is on day 18 and already her 3rd set of leaves have 5 fingers. i have a feeling that this one is going to be a monster!









