Hi Stonie,

Hope your doing fine. Looks like you got things movin along smoothly in the crib.
Congratulations on the gun. You have one kick ass new high stylin' and profilin' weapon. Very nice.
Love it!!!! I cant really see your target practice cause its soooo big, but it looks like you have found a weapon that suits you perfectly. Im glad the coolest barbie I know is protected from those crazied Kens running around out there!!!!!

Did you ever try out the Glock 19 like I recommended? Let me know what you thought if you did.....
Go check out my new signature to a drawing a just finished. Your one of the caveboy cavemates of the month!!!!!!! I tried to make you as sexy as I could!!!!!!!!
I did give you couple guns too!!! ....See I know ya too well stonie...
Im hoping to get growin again in a couple weeks. Do a balloon for me girl!
Love the pictures of those sick Hello Kittys Captain... You always make me laugh!!!
Later Peace....Amber