Lowryder II DWC Trial run


Well-Known Member
I had an itchy finger that had to cut something
nice bud man! I chopped a bit off my plant aswell.....two little nuggets that were matured enough.....now we come to the hardest part of growing, waiting for bud to dry.....its especially difficult when you cant get your hands on any green.....sniffle*


Well-Known Member
got me and two others high with a gram.
heres the whole plant chopped
I'd say not bad for a first grow considering I had ph fluctuations and high temps.Will have a new grow for the summer, to supply my college buddies for back to school shopping lol. Will weigh it when my scale comes in the mail. Any guesses in weight? Thanks for the help!




Well-Known Member
you are correct. I weighed dry bud and its 2 oz. now waiting for that tub to dry , I figure thats at least an oz. I am amazed this lowryder2 could produce that much....


Well-Known Member
haha what can i say, i kno my ounces ;)

yea man, totally forgot this was lowryder, whats up next?


Well-Known Member
lookin good bro.. how long did it take from seed to start and how tall did she get?
Agreed, I'm also interested in the total turnover time.

Very nice lookin grow, as you know:bigjoint:

The buds look a lot like my most recent grow, the pine coney, fluffy buds. I think this has to do with that Ph fluctuation and Heat definitly plays a factor, plants love a constant regime of light and temperature.

Also, exactly what nutes did you use and at what weeks, or signs? I know you had said Fox farms, and I saw grow big and open sesame mentioned, did you use any others?I am very curious and about to start my first Autoflower grow prolly with a few more plants under the 400wHPS.

Awesome grow though overall, 2 oz from 1 plant is mouthwatering!:bigjoint:

Any suggestions for us just starting autoflower grows, so we can all learn from each others mistakes and what not, Would be Great!

Nice job mate.



nice work on your grow! suprised no1 mentioned the size of the plant yet. For a -ryder variety I think that plant got branchy and huge. Nothing like the single cola ryders i have seen.