Lowryder problem :(


Active Member
Hey Guys! Finally started to grow some some lowryder 2, The problem is its about 3 weeks old about 7 inches high with a cluster of leaves on top But the lowest two sets of leaves have turned yellow as if being burnt by my light which was about 5-6 inches above it ( Im using a 250 watt Cfl Red spectrum) but the top leaves look very healthy this is my first time grow and I havent used nutrients or anything yet, The soil Is also Regular garden store peat Compost which I know is not ideal but was planning on transplanting it at an earlier stage.

It could be a oh imbalance maybe :roll:

Can Anyone help :cry:


Well-Known Member
hi mate.im doing same grow as u but mine is outdoors,i did have 1 indoors which is very similar to yours regarding the yellowing of leaves at the the lowest leaves,they started to curl under and fade away,juust today i found it was a mag deffeciancy so i bought some epsom salts and give her sum today.give it a try kid.mine are all day 30 now and the ones outside look pretty gud.hope you get it sorted mate


Its most likely you are over watering. its a common first time mistake. if it is not that then it could be bad soil i always use good soil with perlite. also being thats its a lowryder autoflower (i have grown this myself with great results) i would be using a blue or dual spectrum cfl for the first 4 or 5 weeks to get good growth before using the red cfl so you have a good strong plant with a good yeild. be carefull with nutes i find you dont really need nutes with auto's just a little bloom at flowering, also my cfl is about 1 inch away from my plant at most, as long as you have air flow you can almost have cfls touching the plant (almost) hang in there because lowryder2 is really worth it, i have grown other autos but after i finish my afghan kush ryder i will most likely grow another lowryder2 the flavour is very very good. good luck!


Well-Known Member
hi kangdark,soory to jumo on this guys thread but no1 replys to mine lol, i have 5 lr2 4 outdoor 1 indoor,the 1 indoor is the one i figured was a mag deff as it was going yellow from the bottom up,dosent overwatering make your whole plant droop down and curl under,im lost with all this lol,im on day 30 the outdoor ones look healthy, i think,no signs off anything stressing them.check my pics and give me ur advice plz


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys! Finally started to grow some some lowryder 2, The problem is its about 3 weeks old about 7 inches high with a cluster of leaves on top But the lowest two sets of leaves have turned yellow as if being burnt by my light which was about 5-6 inches above it ( Im using a 250 watt Cfl Red spectrum) but the top leaves look very healthy this is my first time grow and I havent used nutrients or anything yet, The soil Is also Regular garden store peat Compost which I know is not ideal but was planning on transplanting it at an earlier stage.

It could be a oh imbalance maybe :roll:

Can Anyone help :cry:
Pics would help. If you're referring to those 2 little leaves (cotyledons) at the bottom, those always turn yellow and fall off once the plant is established. If the rest of the plant is healthy, you should be good. You will need to start thinking about adding nutes in about a week or so.


yeah robbie no problem, am not much good when it comes to outdoor growing as i dont get the weather for it but after reading your post i see you are using miracle grow this is a no no as it has strong ferts and can burn your plants causing yellowing like youve said. i would advise using compost without any plant foods already added, chances are if its still alive and getting bigger it will be ok as it would affect the plant more when its young and it will be more able to handle it during flowering