Lowryder Reviews???


Active Member
Anybody have any experience in planting the new strain "Lowryder" or "Lowryder#2"?

I've been growing a few plants every year and its a nervous summer season always when you got ganga growing anywhere.

I noticed I can't reproduce Lowryder either. You have to keep buying new seed each time you plant it. Big downside to that.

I was going to try staking my handful of bagseed that I have this coming season by harnessing the laterals to the ground with string. I'm very nervous about helecopters.

Anyway... if anyone has tried lowryder, please let me know the pros and cons.


Well-Known Member
I grow lowryders indoors in my aerogarden(yeah i know there are some ag haters at riu) but that being said, i have to say they are the easiest plants to grow that i've found. like you said you can't clone them thats a big downside but really thats the only negative that i can think of. they grow fast you don't have to switch light cycles if your an indoor grower. outside i'm told they do well. hope this helps. :leaf: Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
I too have been looking at growing an autoflowering dwarf, seeing as im leaving for college soon and dont have time to grow a full strain. I been looking at joint docotors diesal ryder and lowryder #2.

I have also been looking at the lowlife ones, like the lowlife ak47/white russian, but I just dont know how good thy are, I would like ot know some of this stuff too.

BTW, why cant you breed them? Its as easy as getting a male and a female and pollenating the other one, what problems are you having reproducing them?


Well-Known Member
Sorry did i forget to mention that yes you can throw a male and female together and get seeds. its the only way to get more seeds other than buying more. i think some have tried to clone them but because they have such a short veg period before they flower its pointless. Peace:leaf:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help. has anyone ever ordered from Seedboutiques? Just want to make sure I'll get my seeds thanks

& sorry for highjacking your post


Well-Known Member
I have ordered from seed boutqiue before, they are 100% legit, my order took a while to arrive, but thats because I ordered around christmas time, and it takes a while when you order around the time for some reason.

So basically they are safe.

hope this helps


New Member
I went with Joint Doctor auto dwarf mix for 35 british pounds for 20 seeds. They only took a week to ship and their site is very good. I love the idea of an unknown mix and im def. going to breed them for seeds and NEVER order again. I also have read that seeded bud can be smoked without an issue or used for butter. Cannto clone them but with the short ass life cycle who cares, 8 weeks from seed to harvest is a good thing to me, I believe this is going to be THE Stealth strain of choice as they continue to stabilize and cross breed them. I have 2 diesel plants about 2 weeks old and a bag seed mom finishing, once that shits outta the way its dwarf o clock baby!


New Member
As far as I know they are pretty subdued as far as plants go. Really depends on how many flowering females you get. The diesel Ryder Hybrid is pretty potent from what I've read but the rest aren't any more stinky than the rest. I can't wait to germinate them, another week or so and then they will be ready to get started. My HID light is being used on a 4 ft. flowering female bag seed. Wish it would finish already!


Well-Known Member
lowryder # 2 sucked ass for me!!! took longer to flower than bubblegum and jock horror!!! but thats just from 1 experience,,
obviously others have had better success!! good luck


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of crossing low ryder with jack black(jack herer and black domina)
would that work? like you think thats too complicated?


New Member
I would just go with the stabilized hybrids they offer now already crossed with LR 2. They have a blueberry, AK-47, Diesel Ryder, etc, all available already with moe probably on the way. Trying to cross a Ruderalis with a standard strain on your own will probably take a few generations to get decent traits, plus then cloning is almost impossible, go with the pro's choices and I don't think you can go wrong.