

has anyone on here ever grown low ryder? or any other of the auto flowering plants?
well i have a question when u look at pictures of them some are 1 big top cola and others branch out and have more colas
is this becuase the way there grown ? they only get about a foot or so tall so i dont think they are being topped at all .

if you can anwser this please do !



Well-Known Member
nah they have grown like that naturely, im thinking ones lowryder and maybe ones lowryder 2 or something. the thing is with autos there pretty unpredictable


New Member

I've just finished growing some Lowlife Auto Ak47 and Blueberry. They are excellent! I ended up with 53g off the one AK and 40g off the blueberry under a 250w hps.

When the plants get a good amount of light they will branch out quite a bit and yield more.

The first time I grew these, I yielded a measley 7g with the same setup except I was using shitty cheap soil. This time round I used biobizz all-mix and, well, you can see the difference.

I recommend you start them in decent sized containers (I used 8l pots) and the best soil you can get so that they get a good head start.This is very important with autos as they have such a short time to grow before flowering.

If you do this, feed lightly and give them good light you will be very happy. Lowryders are cool and very easy to grow. Don't listen to the bullshit people say about autoflowers. Grown right, you will get a good amount of potent, tasty weed.

Hope this helps, and good luck.


New Member
By the way, I LST'd mine. I highly recommend it if you're low on space/light. Definitely increases yield and turns those small branches into nice colas.


Well-Known Member
Lowryders are worthless, take a normal strain and grow it 12/12 from seed= Bigger and better.Ive never grown any of the ak47/blueberry auto strains, but Sannie seeds jackberry is fast finishing, rock solid, and not very tall at all. Also nirvanas WW is a small plant that will give you a nice yield growing 12/12 with no veg time.


New Member
Why don't you actually try them before you give advice on them. I agree that the original lowryder isn't the highest yielder or the strongest smoke, but the newer auto hybrids are excellent and if grown well, can yield more than a normal strain on 12/12 from start to finish.


Well-Known Member
Ive grown lowryder 1&2, and most autos will not match a yield of a normal strain. Auto strains are a gimmick at best. Im not trying to insult you are say autos cant be great smokes.What Im saying is any strain can be but into 12/12(most strains) from seed for faster results. And really thats the main gimmick for autos is fast flowering.


thanks !
yea people have told me they were a waste of time but i figured with the right amount of light and a lot of space will make for a good yield.
you said you got 53 and 40g's from your plants how tall were they ?


Well-Known Member
the thing is with autos there pretty unpredictable
I agree!!

If I had to describe my short lived autoflower experience in one word I would say, unstable. I've only grow 1 auto strain and it was shortrider. Which is probably one of the most unstable strains out there "from what I've read," took 8-9weeks to show sex indoor 10+ weeks outdoor.. I'm hoping to still get some good smoke from it. Luckily I had the extra room for a 4-6' "short"rider... I know this is off topic but I just thought I would throw it out there. I've read pretty good things about most other auto's though..


New Member
thanks !
yea people have told me they were a waste of time but i figured with the right amount of light and a lot of space will make for a good yield.
you said you got 53 and 40g's from your plants how tall were they ?

They were both around 25-28 inches tall.


Active Member
a lot of trash talking on autos

there seems to be even hatred from some towards them

i was gifted about 1/8 of some lowryder #2 several months ago, it wasn't the strongest but did have a great kick to it, the taste was awesome and unique, i thought it was decent smoke, perfect for small guerilla grows here and there, or an in between main harvests plant to harvest that doesn't take much space


Well-Known Member
DSCF4041.jpgDSCF4049.jpgDSCF3336.jpgDSCF3347.jpgI grew nirvanas short rider last year and they turned out pretty good...not to jack your thread but heres a few pics