Lp Review Page.


Active Member
Well those statements are simply FALSE, how many dispensaries have you looked into? Also the LP's wont tell you what they use. ESPECIALLY if its any of the 6 pesticides they're allowed to spray up to and including harvest.................Dispensaries dont irradiate either. With that alone whatever Tweed sells has NO medical value as the terpenes and cannabinoids have been irradiated. Oh and theres the fact NO studies have been done on the consumption of combusted irradiated cannabis.

Just saying Those arguments dont make any sense. Also how many patients have been arrested for obtaining meds from a dispensary in Canada in the last 15 years?
Hi all.
there have been peer reviewed studies on irradiated fruits and vegetables and the process changes the molecular structures of fruits and vegetables, so it is logical to assume that irradiating Cannabis will change the molecular structure of the cannabinoids .



Well-Known Member
Agreed, but lets not forget that those studies pertain to EATEN irradiated food. So to add to your comment I would say there have never been studies on the inhalation of combusted irradiated Cannabis. Which is food for thought as well in addition to your comment
terpenes are destroyed by heat. And at much lower temps than THC. most 'concentrates' have 0 terps in them. 0. And even when you burn a joint, for example, you lose most of those terps from heat before you even get a chance to inhale them.

Magenta Thumb

Well-Known Member
Once again, some folks in this group need reminding that the MMAR sold tonnes of gamma irradiated cannabis to Canadians for over a decade with Health Canada's blessing. That continues with the MMPR. I suppose you could do a Freedom of Information request to see what the adverse reactions were and if any were tied to radiolytic by products. As I have stated in the past, if you review the literature, yes, some classes of molecules suffer damage, but the amount seems small to me and is nothing in comparison to normal storage or combustion losses, and the latter is also a renowned free radical generator.

johny sunset

Well-Known Member
In my experience the smell and taste of irradiated cannabis is muted compared to stuff that wasn't. Also different strains seem to all share the same underlining sent.