LP's MAKING PEOPLE ILL!! 'Constant nausea': Halifax woman suing medical marijuana producer after bec

now you guys stop picking on my buddy tomeds..

and sorry everyone... LP's [and irradiation] are here to stay..

some people don't know you guys [to get weed]

cannot grow their own ,

don't trust anyone and want to get herb..and have a credit card

LP's provide a service

Caveat Emptor
they provide shwag sprayed poison they sure do indeed!
you know it too.
yes sure some will be here to stay but certainly not any of these so called LP's
they're large in the pile department alright, i'll give you that
but shit wont get them anywhere
Tell TM to pull his head out of his ass .
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I wonder is they tell their investors about the huge stock piles of unsalable schwaggs they have stored up. I saw a news story the other days with video from one of these poison factories. They have bin after bin and sealed up weed stacked along a wall. I bet it's so old it's not worth shit. Then they hydrate it and send it out at 10 bucks a gram.....shameful.
Anyway the bins blew my mind as to how many there were. Imagine how much combined stale weed they all have in all these dirty factories.....up to 3 years old and counting..........yack.
BOYCOTT and save your skin.
now you guys stop picking on my buddy tomeds..

and sorry everyone... LP's [and irradiation] are here to stay..

some people don't know you guys [to get weed]

cannot grow their own ,

don't trust anyone and want to get herb..and have a credit card

LP's provide a service

Caveat Emptor

When someone starts making threats of physical violence towards others on the internet it is simply to amusing for me not to make fun of, if he stops with that shit I will gladly stop laughing about it. For all I know outside of the internet he is a really good guy and he just let his emotions get the better of him here.

I do agree with your other points however, I don't have to like or use them to know that they are going nowhere.
When someone starts making threats of physical violence towards others on the internet it is simply to amusing for me not to make fun of, if he stops with that shit I will gladly stop laughing about it. .
Come on guys he just saying he wants to meet up I can respect that, i am curious to the details though, like is he flying me out to toronto? Do I get dinner? Am I expected to do gay stuff? Or is he flying here? Do I pick him up at the airport? How does one greet mister toronto? Being rather presumptuous here, mabe hes driving out here? So many questions
Marijuana production should never be an industry. It should always be a "Ma & Pa" type of operation. It should be an "industry" of Ma & Pa growers -little shops run by the owners, everywhere! People need to be able to grow their own and monitor their own medicinal/recreational plants. It shouldn't take huge greenhouses and mega-million dollar investments because when there is that much money at stake, then restrictions on things like pesticide-use, etc., will be lifted....because big money is more important than little people....sadly.
You are right, it will always be a home made thing, dreamers can try to take over what they were to afraid to touch, they can try, and we will be amused. The goverment can shift the gears and spread propoganda, wait sunsabitches been doing that forever, what the freack you mean this is the same shit as always just a different story. Just cause you just came to the table dosent mean its new or you know what your saying ( nobody needs to address this as its not directed at anyone here, maybe toronto but not even him more the general idea that anything is new)
people said things about his mom..he got pissed..who can blame him?
its what you don't see.. :lol:

he got all bent because I didn't want to do his work..
then he started to change and his colors came out in full force.
Sad but true.
I'm glad I didn't work for the freak. Doesn't know which way is up it seems.
I offered to do his electrical work..then saw a few things which made me decide not to..:idea::shock::shock:
The rest he did all by himself lol
Loose cannon.. :bigjoint: