LR#2 Three months still not flowering!


Well-Known Member
It was planted around 1/25/09 and has shown no signs of budding :cry:

It was topped about week ago because there was big bushy growth underneath bad stem growth keeping it in the shade. Now that it's topped, new growth has exploded and the bushiness is now getting tons of light.

It smells, but not as much as it should.

It's about an inch under four florescents under a hood with a fan blowing in and out of it with a yeast/sugar bottle.

It's FF Ocean Forest soil and it gets a little Earth Juice Grow here and there.

It also seems to be sucking up water like crazy. The soil is still a little damp when the leaves begin to sag from dehydration.

The fuck is going on?



Active Member
hmmmm, did you put your lighting schedule on 12 hr of light and 12 of dark. If not this is your problem, your plant will never flower if its not on a 12/12 schedule.



Active Member
oh and before you start to flower you should repot her in a 2-3 gallon container if you want a decent yield.



Well-Known Member
It's 18/6 as recommended by Joint Doctor

I'll switch to 12/12 tonight. Should I keep it 12/12 for the rest of the time?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Yo man, that sucks it isn't flowering. I've got some Lowryder #2 x AK47 autoflowering that I haven't started yet, so I'm taking an interest in your situation. With my strain, they recommend 20/4 all the way through.

As others have said, you probably just want to switch to 12/12 and go from there. Because it SHOULD be an autoflower, you could switch for a few days (until you see your first calyxes and hairs) and then switch back to 18/6 or whatever your strain requires. Maybe it just needs a kick start, right?

If it reverts to vegging when you switch the lights back, then your seeds probably weren't autos. Keep in 12/12 and just grow it out (pseudo) naturally.

One of the big pluses of autoflowering seeds is their ability to be grown under normal vegetative conditions. I believe this is also the reason they complete flowering after only 9 or 10 weeks. I've heard potency can be an issue though.

Let us know how it turns out. Good luck:leaf:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Also, did you stress them at any point in their lives? Overwater/overnute, rough transplant, fell off a shelf, bugs...that sort of thing? Could have an impact if so...


Well-Known Member
anneh, has your lowryder started to flower yet... i have one that is about 60 days old, and has not started flowering, it is HUGE, about 2 feet. im gonna veg it for another week then im gonna put it in to flower with my four other clones.