LSA extraction


Well-Known Member
Oh I parachuted it too man don't you worry lol. But yeah I am sure that snorting it works because me and over 20 other people snorted it and were wrecked. I'm pretty sure someone booted it but I never found out how that went since he got locked up. I personally enjoyed snorting it more than eating it.

Tom :weed:


Well-Known Member
LSA is not psychedelic, but rather psychoactive or psychotropic. Its a lil twitchy and not my cup of tea. Its a mental high, an elevated state of awareness that leads you to thoughts with more clarity for your vision. So I am told it is great for meditation. I prefer LSD but things may change as I practice meditation more regularly.

Also, not many things are put on blotter and LSA is hard to get pure enough to impregnate blotter with. If you are able to get it that pure I am sure you will use it to make LSD. There are many RC's that could be put on paper such as-
and many 5-alkylated analogues of nor-LSD


Well-Known Member
LSA is not psychedelic, but rather psychoactive or psychotropic. Its a lil twitchy and not my cup of tea. Its a mental high, an elevated state of awareness that leads you to thoughts with more clarity for your vision. So I am told it is great for meditation. I prefer LSD but things may change as I practice meditation more regularly.

Also, not many things are put on blotter and LSA is hard to get pure enough to impregnate blotter with. If you are able to get it that pure I am sure you will use it to make LSD. There are many RC's that could be put on paper such as-
and many 5-alkylated analogues of nor-LSD
Whats doc man? I was just sold some 'doc' thought it was some Cid....


Well-Known Member
Lol mine is a scratched and stage worn...

The opa2132 is a small dual operational amplifier chip... (got it could have been a single too - opa132, this pothead hasa 10 second memory)
You just take a note of the chip orientation... normaly pin 1 marked with a dimple and replace with a modern chip.
desolder the 8 pins and swap out.

There are chipless versions of the pedal too, don't be surprised if yours is diffirent...

To be sure if it is a dual or single chip, just google "datasheet and the number of the chip currently in... I suspect RC4558.

You gotta love that funky 70s sound...


Well-Known Member
yeah man you know it.

once i was on shrooms playing my guitar, and I mistook it for a hot black power girl from the 70s with a camo bandana and an afro.

had a hard time explaining that to my friends, but if they knew the muff, it would all make sense.

I haven't actually had mine on stage yet, but it will be out there soon. what did you play in?


New Member
I gave my muff away to a buddy @luthier school back in the late eighies :-( But that was long after I fried my hearing playing the muff from my SG straight into those old Koss headphones with the liquid filled cushions so no sound could escape....great fun! I miss my BMuff.

anybody try the "other" imopea? it's supposed to have much greater concentrations of lsa. apparently it was much preferred to the heavenly blues, which the natives only used in a pinch when the couldn't find the other type. I know the "other" plant only produces only two seeds per pod, unlike HB. this one is white with a blood-red center I believe. I think I saw them @ basement shaman.


Well-Known Member
I've used the rivea corymbosa seeds. they're the smaller brown ones, better ratio of good to bad alkaloid, but not very high concentrations...and they aren't too cheap.

Munch on them or extract in some wine, worked well enough for me.

I believe I am a boy among men here :D


Well-Known Member
Lol I'm going solo for a while, just recently picked up the axe again after a decade long break...

Realy haveing fun, and the fungi I consumed two weekends ago, realy seemed to have removed the creative blockage I had...

Now I have to keep stuff back in order not to forget other stuff I just worked out...

I was originaly classicaly trained (Trinity college of music, london), which does have its benefits...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I never got the classical training, although I did absorb like a sponge for the relatively short time I was taking lessons. I was always at odds with learning by rote in any sense, and as a rule I haven't learned any songs (aside from my own) for years and years. But in the end it has stunted me, and I've got a lot of frustration (maybe we are back to sex).

Now years later, my hands have grown cramped and poorly responsive. So, I'm finally working on my form. Its not easy. I miss when it was all fun and no pain. But I'm training to get back there now.

Also, for a couple years now also I've been toying with the idea of switching to lefty. I write lefty but have always been iffy about which got a righty guitar. But now I've learned to write with my right hand, and somehow it feels more enjoyable, like there is no literal mind blocking and critiquing the movements. That's what I need to regain on the guitar, but I don't know the clear path.

Glad your playing again...maybe I need to return to the shroom....


New Member
I write lefty but have always been iffy about which got a righty guitar.
Good way to open your mind to patterns that escape the average righty. the Hero (hedrix) could play righty w/ arighty guitar, righty w/ a lefty guitar, lefty w/ a lefty guitar and lefty w/ a righty all accounts with pretty much equal ability.

back when I got my Bmuff, they said it was the box Jimi used.

there really are some strange things that come to light regarding our bi-lateral design if you look through some of the experiments that have been done with people that have been forced to re-learn things from "the opposite side of the mirror".

Have Fun


Well-Known Member
pinkus, for the more hopeful outlook :D

yeah, the hendrix thing was partially why I got the bmuff.

I'm going to have to check out some of these experiments.



Well-Known Member
Whats doc man? I was just sold some 'doc' thought it was some Cid....
Doc is quite amazing material and pretty rare to find. If you have a chance to try some jump on it before it becomes a schedule 1 compound.

Here is an lil bit on DOC from Pihkal, enjoy.

DOSAGE: 1.5 - 3.0 mg.

DURATION: 12 - 24 h.

QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (with 1.6 mg) I was hit with a slightly light head; the effects were quite real. I was disconnected, and somehow spacey, but this was a favorable spacey which was kind of fun. Somewhere at about the sixth hour I realized that I was beginning to drop off a bit, but six hours later yet, there was still a lot of memory. This is a long thing.

(with 2.4 mg) This is what I might call an archetypical psychedelic. Everything is there in spades, with few if any of the subtle graces, the `gentle images' and `gentle fantasies' of the 2-carbon phenethylamines. This is the works. There are visuals, and there are interpretive problems with knowing just where you really are. The place where nothing makes sense, and yet everything makes sense. I have just slept for a few hours, and now I am awake and it has been eighteen hours, and there is a lot still going on, although I have a relaxed, good feeling. Anyone who uses this had better have 24 hours at their disposal.

(with 2.4 mg) Here I am at the sixth hour, and I am still roaring along at a full plus three. I have established that this material is neither anti-erotic nor anorexic. The body is very comfortable, and so is the mind. There is an interesting aspect, perhaps peculiar only to this experiment and under these conditions. With my eyes closed the fantasy is a completely dark screen, lovely and seductive, subtle, and yet light must be deliberately brought in. This is not in any way negative for being in the dark, but is just unusual. I will have to try this in the daylight next time, to see what the eyes-closed brings to the mind-screen. At 24 hours, I have found that my sleep was not too great. My dreams were tight, and I kept defending against trouble; the nervous system was too alert. I was in a good humor, though, and I still am. This is excellent stuff, but start early in the day.


Well-Known Member
BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE For all of you interested in LSD BEWARE of a person on here that goes by the name of STYLES. FUCKING Scammer, Rip off BITCH
You sound like a reverse scammer.
The vendor you speak of has a good reputation on 3 private boards I am part of and I have used him multiple times. His product is very high quality. I would like to know what happened to you that is causing you to cry wolf?


Well-Known Member
You sound like a reverse scammer.
The vendor you speak of has a good reputation on 3 private boards I am part of and I have used him multiple times. His product is very high quality. I would like to know what happened to you that is causing you to cry wolf?
OR mybe Your styles other account...


Well-Known Member
So apparently MisterMicro WAS sent FREE acid from the guy hes calling a scam.
You jerk Micro, this is the reason you cannot find these sort of drugs. Good luck in the future with your trips.