
I have never experimented with them but I think it is mostly because of side effect purposes. Supposedly they come with no nausea
Ohhh ok. intresting. Yeah i like having the best of the best so i was curious. Im hoping with a thorough extraction that wont be a problem wht the HBWR that im expecting tuesday. Stoked because im not really established in the area im in so i dont have a Sid or Cap hook up, most unfortunatly. Had a sid hook up but my man in Cali changed his fucking number, devastating. So yeah definatly looking forward to trying LSA out. i tried MG but god the nauseau was straight unbearable, that was with the Heavenly Blue. God that was the worst nausea ive ever had, 2 times worse than any flue iv had. i just wanted to through my stomach out of my throat. ew. I didnt know to look for untreated seeds though and i got those from a nursery so they probably had a bunch of nasty ass chemicals on them. plus i didnt extract them, just soaked them tell the cracked than ate the seed meet, removed the black husk.

Anyone have a link to a proffesional extraction? I want to do this right the first time...
How can Rivea Corymbosa be favorable to the hawaiin strain of HBWR when the HBWR simply has a much higher LSA % content?

Like I said, HBWR seeds contain a film around the seed that makes people very nauseous. It's the main reason why Meso-Americans and the Aztecs favored the Rivea Corymbosa seeds over other sister plants. The LSA content of Rivea Corymbosa is much more balanced containing other ergot related compounds that bring about a true entheogenic experience.
Not sure. Some places like Lowe's might carry it. But the web is your best bet! Remember, find a vendor that is reputable. Best of luck to you!
You'l vomit your insides out & feel like your dying. Ive done a HBWR by taking the seeds b ythere self & cold water extraction & both made me sick as hell. Altho the first time I took 15 by there self & tripped like hell, It still wasnt worth the unbearable pain it brings with it. I wish Id never had done it, I think it ruined my stomach lining & stripped all the plac off my teath from vomiting.
The stomach pain is not worth it. If ever there was a time to do as I say and not as I did as a dumbassed kid this is one of them.
extracting hbwr's is simple if your really that concerned lol

but honestly ive never had the nausea associated with it

i also have a stomach of nails and can handle any wacky ph thrown down
Yeah. My stomach is particularly sensitive. I can scoff down mushrooms without a problem. But acids and other foreign materials do not agree as much! :lol:
Get a iron got. Toughen up. Ive done it many times

Once i did 15 hbwr seeds. Only last an hr and after that its pure euphoria. I have to disagree with you on just because the syomach cramps you shouldnt do it
Get a iron got. Toughen up. Ive done it many times

Once i did 15 hbwr seeds. Only last an hr and after that its pure euphoria. I have to disagree with you on just because the syomach cramps you shouldnt do it

i know what you mean man i feel like i could drink raw acid and my stomach would go HAH! give me more!