LSD binge


Well-Known Member
Kassidy, have you ever thought you are abusing LSD?

Sounds to me like you have a psychological addiction, either to LSD or for escaping reality. I'd suggest weening yourself off of the 'cid and getting some serious help.
Hahahahahahaha, thats funny. Im doing just fine, i eat like what 1 hit everyweek!!!! trust me thats not bad, you should be more worried about the people snorting coke, herion or popping them methadones. Like overfiend said i know people that eat cid all the time. In fact i know this one guy that swears by a half a hit everyday.


Well-Known Member
I don't think acid is a drug that should be fucked with in the way that you guys abuse it. Sure, it's your life, and you have the right to do whatever the fuck you so please, but I really think frying your fucking brain cells it stupid. Acid is fun, but try not to abuse it. Don't binge on it. I don't recommend bingeing on anything at that. Treat yourself and your body with the respect it deserves.
HAHAHAHAHA your funny....

LSD is the safest drug you could ever do (safer than weed) and doesnt fry one brain cell (unlike weed)..
Plus if you overdose, it goes to your stomach so you can never take to much. Plus, who wouldn't want to have the spiritual feeling and be one with the earth all the time???


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA your funny....

LSD is the safest drug you could ever do (safer than weed) and doesnt fry one brain cell (unlike weed)..
Plus if you overdose, it goes to your stomach so you can never take to much. Plus, who wouldn't want to have the spiritual feeling and be one with the earth all the time???
ok, you my friend have not read the rest of this thread.
A.) acid can fuck you up good, ive seen it done
B.) you can overdose on acid, drink a vial sometime and tell me if your brain ever comes back, i know people that have overfried themselves in Santa Cruz by trippin with their vials of acid next to em eatin it like candy. i could imagine a whole bottle would be a bit worse.


Well-Known Member
Kassidy, have you ever thought you are abusing LSD?

Sounds to me like you have a psychological addiction, either to LSD or for escaping reality. I'd suggest weening yourself off of the 'cid and getting some serious help.
LOL, weening of cid???? It's not heroin or xanax!:blsmoke: People take all kinds of shit everyday, fuckin fake ass doctors perscribe children amphetamines.


Well-Known Member
ok, you my friend have not read the rest of this thread.
A.) acid can fuck you up good, ive seen it done
B.) you can overdose on acid, drink a vial sometime and tell me if your brain ever comes back, i know people that have overfried themselves in Santa Cruz by trippin with their vials of acid next to em eatin it like candy. i could imagine a whole bottle would be a bit worse.
WOW, as i said before, all what will happen is that it will be stored in your stomach for later use. You can not hurt your brain from it!
I dont care how much you take, all you will do is trip for like a week if you drink that much.....


Active Member
LSD is a tool for your mind to open no doors and new ways to think, ego-loss, etc.. it makes you look at the real scheme of things in life from a non biased point of view. As my name implies I am an LSD guru. i have had many many life changing, mind opening trips. Binging on the drug isnt the best way to get the full and complete effect. Due to the re wiring in your brain of train of thought, this makes you feel as though you never do come down (though you may not bee visually tripping the rest of your life((depending on the frequency, potency, and amounts that you do)) you will still have that different train of thought for the rest of your life, and dont let that scare you, LSD is a beautiful thing and something every person on this earth should do at least once before he/she passes into the after-life. If you take 3 hits of LSD one night and you decide to trip the next night you must at least double the dose to get the full effect due to your brain not being reset yet. I have eaten 3 hits of some of the most potent acid i have ever had and it was one of my hardest trips ever and the next night i ate 4 and fell asleep. I just thought that due to the potency of the acid i wouldnt have to double my dose but i should have. Basically, LSD binges aren't the way to maximize your effects, and it will make you a little weird and a lot more out there(trust me) but that choice is up to you.

Spiral Architect

Active Member
Hahahahahahaha, thats funny. Im doing just fine, i eat like what 1 hit everyweek!!!! trust me thats not bad, you should be more worried about the people snorting coke, herion or popping them methadones. Like overfiend said i know people that eat cid all the time. In fact i know this one guy that swears by a half a hit everyday.
I'm not worried about anyone really. I could care less what people do to their bodies - it's their choice. Ever thought about what your doing to yours? Sure, you might be taking a relatively safe drug at low doses, but your doing it every week - this surely amounts to an OBVIOUS dependency on the drug. Take a few steps back and you might realize the shit your standing in. Sure stinks when its not right under your nose, huh? ;)

LSD is the safest drug you could ever do (safer than weed) and doesnt fry one brain cell (unlike weed)..
Plus if you overdose, it goes to your stomach so you can never take to much. Plus, who wouldn't want to have the spiritual feeling and be one with the earth all the time???
I have never heard LSD is safer than weed, ever. I have also never heard weed kills brain cells. Get your fucking facts straight bro before you start spouting out ignorance.

And as for who wouldn't want to be 'tripping' ("spiritual feeling and be one with the earth all the time") all the time, shit, how about those that like to keep in touch with this little thing I like to call REALITY.

LOL, weening of cid???? It's not heroin or xanax!
People take all kinds of shit everyday, fuckin fake ass doctors perscribe children amphetamines.
Why not? You can slowly take your body off any substance, how else do you think addicts do it? Cold turkey is rarely the path many take as it often, and usually inevitably, results in relapse. Besides, the chemical dependency with heroin, cocaine, or RX drugs is in an entire world when compared to the psychological addiction of substances (such as LSD).

And yes, people take all kinds of shit everyday, it seems like no one has respect for their mental, physical, and spiritual health anymore - Instant gratification and escape from the doldrums of reality is what everyone desires now it seems. :rolleyes: It sucks because people like to say they are 'in-touch' with the world, when reality they just live in their own manifested universe. ;)

And as far as 'fake ass doctors prescribing amphetamines to kids', well, sure ADHD RX's are on a rise, and have been for a while, and I agree lots of kids take them that shouldn't, but, I think it's equally the parents fault (It's ultimately THEIR decision) as well as the Doctors, and the entire Pharmaceutical big business mentality ("Something wrong? Take this pill, it will help").

Proper medication can do wonders at the proper dose, and in the right context. Again, another member who apparently has no idea what he is talking about.... *le sigh*

WOW, as i said before, all what will happen is that it will be stored in your stomach for later use. You can not hurt your brain from it!
I dont care how much you take, all you will do is trip for like a week if you drink that much.....
How about you drink an entire vial of acid and tell me what happens. You may not die from a toxicological overdose, but you would surely die ( or seriously SUFFER ) from lack of mental capacity during your inebriated state.

Murder, suicide, accidental death and serious injury have all resulted from high doses of LSD (even after your no longer 'tripping', their are permanent effects on your mental capacity when using hallucinogenic drugs, as we all know) - it's hardly a 'inherently safe' drug as you like to make it out to be. It is powerful, and to quote the Spider-man comic book series : "With great power comes great responsibility." :)

Basically, LSD binges aren't the way to maximize your effects, and it will make you a little weird and a lot more out there(trust me) but that choice is up to you.
More or less. It's a well known fact, and proven through tons of anecdotal and scientific evidence I'm sure - that excessive drug users are more likely to experience psychological conditions (Schizophrenia is often caused by excessive street drug use), serious depression, and perhaps lose some motor or mental capacity later in life. I'm sure everyone has heard of the 'stereotypical fried Deadhead who blabbers incoherently and has a dead end job'. ;)

And no, an 'acid guru' does not necessarily produce LSD. A guru simply means "teacher" or "expert".


Well-Known Member
It sucks because people like to say they are 'in-touch' with the world, when reality they just live in their own manifested universe. :wink:
I like this spiral, you have a very good point here. You say we live in our own 'manifested universe'. i have heard philosophers say that 'our life is ours to create'.
As for the acid, i am not weening off the shit, i am gonna stop until the end of the semester or at least until spring break. I really do not think there is any addiction to lsd, at least for me. If anything she has been telling me to slow down!!



Well-Known Member
Please explane how I am the one who knows nothing, when you are the one saying LSD is addictive:dunce:? Do you care to elaborate on how you came to this assumption(of LSD creating a dependency)?


Well-Known Member
I like this spiral, you have a very good point here. You say we live in our own 'manifested universe'. i have heard philosophers say that 'our life is ours to create'.
As for the acid, i am not weening off the shit, i am gonna stop until the end of the semester or at least until spring break. I really do not think there is any addiction to lsd, at least for me. If anything she has been telling me to slow down!!

Until the end of the semester for me also. Tripped shrooms for my birthday in january, 3 hits of L (though not very good) later in january for my roomate's birthday. I'm waiting until school is out, then getting out of my mind again!

Spiral Architect

Active Member
I like this spiral, you have a very good point here. You say we live in our own 'manifested universe'. i have heard philosophers say that 'our life is ours to create'.
As for the acid, i am not weening off the shit, i am gonna stop until the end of the semester or at least until spring break. I really do not think there is any addiction to lsd, at least for me. If anything she has been telling me to slow down!!
Maybe you should listen to 'her'. Try tripping sober once. Trust me, reality is ten times more mind blowing than any hallucinatory state. ;)

Please explane how I am the one who knows nothing, when you are the one saying LSD is addictive
? Do you care to elaborate on how you came to this assumption(of LSD creating a dependency)?
You can become psychologically addicted to anything. It's when your mind tricks you into thinking you 'need' it.

I don't think I need to explain myself, this is common knowledge in psychology. Look at Sex addicts, Myspace addicts, World of Warcraft addicts, Marijuana addicts, computer addicts, Pepsi addicts etc.

None of these induce a physical dependency, but psychological dependency can occur and with psychological dependency come all the things addiction usually carries; irritability if you don't get what you want, ignoring your responsibilities, effects on your normal life (family, friends, significant others), mood swings, elevated sense of self-content when you get what you crave, etc.


if your talking about dependency i would have to say NO lsd isn't addictive.
usually drugs that people become dependant on are constantly available or there is a ritual associated with it.
smoking for instance,it is an addictive drug by itself but the act of smoking is pleasurable
so even when you dont have the chemical need for a ciggarette you feel like you need to do something with yourself.
i never got that feeling from LSD you pop a dose and trip the pleasure comes after when you forgot you took the dose.

to me there are different stages of tripping when you first discover how great LSD is all you want to do is trip this phase lastes for about 3 years then you have to slow down even if you dont want to then
the next phase is tripping but really exploring your trip ,
i think you start to appreciate it after your mind is familliar with the feel and intensity of a trip and you can really enjoy it and take it all in.
finally your trips will not be as vivid as they once were and you will slowly lose interest because you cant get as high as before.
i havent tripped in about 4 years now because i was'nt getting off on LSD
but i think thats gonna change this summer i cant keep eating shrooms as a substitute
this summer im gettin some LSD


Well-Known Member
You can become psychologically addicted to anything. It's when your mind tricks you into thinking you 'need' it.

I don't think I need to explain myself, this is common knowledge in psychology. Look at Sex addicts, Myspace addicts, World of Warcraft addicts, Marijuana addicts, computer addicts, Pepsi addicts etc.

None of these induce a physical dependency, but psychological dependency can occur and with psychological dependency come all the things addiction usually carries; irritability if you don't get what you want, ignoring your responsibilities, effects on your normal life (family, friends, significant others), mood swings, elevated sense of self-content when you get what you crave, etc.

Keep that fake ass witch doctor shit to yourself. LSD is not addictive, coke and pepsi have caffine in them, which is addictive. The computer:confused: you make no sence, but I agree LSD is as addictive as a computer.

I don't think you need to explain yourself anymore either, I can see you are one of those people who blames their problems on everything else.


Well-Known Member
and just to clarify things. I know what you are trying to say, and even if it was true you don't wean someone off of a psychological addiction(whatever that is, like OCD or something, wtf).


Active Member
Amen brother. LSD is not phsically addictive, chemically addictive, nor psychologically addictive. That's one of the beauties of LSD.. you wont end up like a heroin addict, meth addict, or crack addict. In extreme cases people might over-do or over use the drug (resulting in a seperation from reality and therefore looked upon society as an addict) but that is due to there own psyche, some personalities are addictive ones.. as far as LSD goes it depends on a persons mind not the chemical itself.. so re-consider that. As I have said before I am an LSD guru and have been on many more LSD trips then i could even start to begin to count, and i'm not addicted whatsoever otherwise i would be trying to do whatever i can everyday to achieve that next high, instead i use LSD as it should be. I don't trip everyday, nor every week anymore, i trip when its appealing and i have the best opportunity to have a good time and open my mind and learn new things about myself as an individual, the world, etc..


Well-Known Member
You can't even try to compare a psychological "addiction" to true physical addiction.
And LSD IS in fact one of the safest drugs toxicity wise. It's nearly impossible to overdose on because of the amount needed to become toxic in comparison to how much is ingested during a trip. Yeah, there's potential to hurt your mind/psychological danger, a "bad trip". But in my experience and that of other people I've spoken to about it, that only happens when the person eating LSD is either weak-minded or irresponsible (kids that think they can eat 9 or 10 their 2nd time, go to stupid places or use it in dumb situations, etc.)
With responsible and respectful LSD use there shouldn't be any risk to your mind or body.
With that being said, yeah, using LSD the way I and some of the other people in here like to, you'll probably end up shot. But speaking for myself, frequent use of marijuana definetly has farrrrrr more detrimental effects than frequent use of LSD. But then, that's something I'm willing to live with.