LSD chemicals ?

handfuls of benzos=mission abort(just don't be surprised if you're left with a persistant sense of 'unfinished buisness' for weeks after..)
just deal and have someone to watch,bad trips can be surprisingly purging. If worked through safely one can be left with alot of weight lifted from their shoulders.

I agree with the benzo's, but you only need a small ammount maybe 1mg of xanax will bring you down a little. When you take handfulls it can get MORE frightening. It's hard to deal with the memory loss when the LSD is stopping you from passing out. You might forget you forgot what you were trying to remember, lol. I had a hell of a time on LSD and a handfull of rohipnol(sp?) before!
i'd usually chill at my house or my buddy's, trip, play video games and listen to pink floyd.Then after being inside for a while i go outside and i feel like im in a whole new world.