LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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The visuals have calmed but when i focus are try they come back witch is great .take half one bbq come on bro
Its 6 am i dropped at 12.54 am
If i dident have a ahole for grandpa id try another peice
I used to trip in front of my parents all the time. They thought I was just high on weed. since dialted pupils are an effects of cannabis but not likeL..... hahahahah

Bro, I promise You, go on a sunrise hike. You will not regret it.
I think it was so intince i was having what only i could describe as prenut i guess cause it was crazy
My granpa is like little hittler hes really a asshole hes got shortman syndrom thinks hes king of the mountain he evan named the street we live on
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