LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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LSD Effects in Micrograms
The data within this thread was recorded with NO TOLERANCE.
A single dose of acid is [1/4 inch x 1/4 inch paper] or [1 full gravity weight drop ~ liquid]
'Street' doses are around [100 - 200 micrograms] ~
~ Considering "set and setting" before any LSD voyage, is very advisable due LSD's radical effects. "Set and Setting" means where the trip will occur and how One feels before/during/after the trip. It is recommended to trip with people You do trust.


25 mics - "MICRODOSE" # <click here - first level threshold. Mild euphoria and mood lift. A lot of people use this dose as a microdose. Soft - moderate energy stimulant. Great for the daily 9 am- 5 pm "ers" [ Pot always brings back the visuals at this dose, especially during a sleepy comedown. ] Some slight euphoria and body high. Creativity starts to manifest itself. ~ Level 1

30 mics -
Increase in associative/social/creative thinking. A great fellowship / interaction / "hang out" dose. Meaningful expanding thoughts. Philosophical banter rants / jibber jabber / [can be annoying; at times]. Visuals/effects become more pronounced with cannabis, but not as vivid as one would think. Creating art like painting or drawing becomes extremely enjoyable. This is kind of like smoking a high end sativa with no tolerance. Nature and hikes are great at this dosage. ~ Easier to handle for Newbies, [ set and setting ].

40 mics - " Spiritual Birthing Dose " ~ A great beginner dose ~
Obviously feeling the effects of LSD. 40+ micrograms is considered life changing. Confusion may arise. Cerebral head change; aka increase in thoughts, this is where next level / interesting things to start happening. -Colors are brighter and energy is slightly more sensitive/active. If You want stronger visuals, You gotta take a higher dosage. A great laughing time. - [some report Level 2 with cannabis or other psychedelics] ~ Level 1



50 mics - " Tripping threshold " ~
Optical illusions / MC Escher Imagery; aka the imagination manifests. Slow come up. Appreciation for music. Intense increase of energy. Mind alterations during come up / peak. A lot more sensitive to emotions and energy. One can start to see Closed Eye Visuals, especially with edible cannabis. Thought patterns are noticeably sped up, this effect can be overwhelming for newbies. Melting and bending optical illusions become obvious but mild. ~ Intuition / awareness is greatly increased, ~ Mild visuals [ lucy, trails, very mild patterning on surfaces], Natural perception filter is somewhat bypassed [10%-15%] ~ Short term memory lapses. - A great dose for meditation ~ Food smells/tastes amazing. Starting to feel LSD's 'tripping' effects. [ a lot like 150 mgs of MDMA ]

60 mics- = Level 1
Mild alice in wonderland type scenarios may emerge. Emotional / thought recollection emerges. Healing space opens wider. Visuals: Tessellations start to appear on walls, surfaces, faces etc. [this effect is very interesting, especially in higher doses] Trails / shuttering / after imaging / tracers. Thoughts and mind start racing at a rapid rate, [some newbies need to be left alone when this effect occurs]. ~Dream / memory experience recall~ Slight blissful euphoria.. Visual acuity is enhanced. This dosage makes for a good time. Closed Eye Visuals are calm, pretty, and gentle , [some report 2D visuals with color, objects, and geometry]. Memory smells / odor hallucinations. ~
~ Effects last about 6-8 hours.

90 mics-
Whole duration is about 8+ hours.
Spiritual cord is found. A great dose for visuals and trails. Mild-average lsd visual enhancement [ very ‘real’ looking surroundings] .This is the dose where the mind can start to go to weird places [good/bad]. Tingly sensation up the spine / limbs. Mild-intense change of short term memory [you’ll ‘member]. ~ Increased distractive thought patterns. Left and Right brain signals synch even more.= Amplification of the senses [.ie. music sounds wider, smells / tastes are more saturated.etc]. ~Total trip outs and fuck withs can happen. [it’s good for You, YOU can take it]. Mild trails, blurs, and shutter smears. ~ A lot like half a gram of mushrooms ~

100 mics ~THE SWEET SPOT ~ The most sought after LSD dosage. " Common tripping threshold " ~ Mildly tapping into source. Most people have been caught laughing their asses off for no reason at this dose. Most report this dose as a thought provoking / fun, entertaining time. Therapeutic, psychological reflection. Sped up thoughts / mind alterations. [comforting and/or distressing thoughts may arise]. ~Starting to revert back to natural instincts / starting to tap into source. Immense - provocative spiritual experiences. This dose is used for sacrament. Primitive senses and impulses may come up. Body buzzing is mild but sometimes euphoric and/or freaky on come up. Consciousness starts to blend with hallucinations. Sensitive / meaningful semblance and symbolism; intuition becomes more present.

110 mics - This is where One really starts to feel LSD’s ‘tripping’ effects. ~
Visual field is vividly enhanced [colors, emotions, and senses are amplified] ~ Trails are attractive but not like higher doses. Visual acuity is further increased. This is a great dose to go out in nature and on hikes with; IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCED. ~Profound over analyzations can / may occur. Things can start talking to You. Literally to the point where they grow a six pack ab. Closed eye visuals are entertaining but not sharp as one would think. [geometric forms are 2 dimensional-CEV]. Some realistic imagery / imagination thought trains. Memory Trances / Visions are possible at this dose. Deep meditation. ~ Lasts at least 8 hours ~

150 mics
"Level 2 threshold" ~-~ Getting into strong tripping territory. ~ Deep & meaningful insight into One's own life; contemplative thoughts. Visuals are so saturated and attractive that One can get caught staring at a wall for hours.~Moonlit nights, meaningful moments, and divine rays. Insightful thoughts and moments of clarity. Meaningful judgement into One's own life / situations. Uncommon / abnormal phenomenon may happen. Auditory hallucinations become mildly apparent; this can be a trip. Flashbacks to past experiences / memories come to life. Life changing, spiritual experiences can happen. ~ Still Level 2 but some can report a Level 3 or 4 experience mixed with other psychedelics. ~
Please consider the dose and amount of LSD You are consuming.


150 mics - 400 mics: " Strong Tripping Territory "~ [1 - 2 tabs of LSD]
Beautiful colors are everywhere. Extremely sensitive to energy. Empathic / Aggressive vibes will arise~ Peak last 4-5 Hours. Whole experience lasts 10-12 hours. ~ This is where things can get powerful. psychotic episodes may happen. These doses always show newbies how powerful acid really is. ~Megalomania may come up. [Deep over analyzations may manifest Themselves within the self conscious matrix] Alice in Wonderland type scenarios. Surreal Emerginative Portal Fractals [this effect is like imagining an image/scenario; subconscious like phenomenon], Ancient Ancestor Energetic Interaction, and Theological Spiritual Warfare; [spiritual veil is somewhat lifted]. Possession is very common at these doses [wildcard effects; set&setting] ~ Aura bubble air wave visuals. Funny slurs / speech impediments. Detailed/ Focal point landscapes, expanding clouds, and rolling thunder. Intense energy flashes and pulsating nerves ~-~ Abnormal / "inappropriate" ideas and behavior [getting naked]. Tessellation Aztec Designs are all over surfaces and the ground. Astral Projections are possible ~~~~~~~
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200 mics-~~ Effects are a lot like 150 micrograms or less... Healing / Spiritual experiences. Profound spiritual experiences will happen. Your mind is racing: sped up thoughts/ intense ideas / manifestations. Communication, the third eye, consciousness, and visions become very present; tapping in. Abnormal, overly confident energy / will power. Extreme sense to energy / vibes, sometimes overwhelming depending on set and setting. High voltage, GTA and hot pursuit. Mild object swelling and detailed deviations. Closed eye visuals are very apparent during peak. ~ Level 2 - some report some Level 3 attributes @ 200 micrograms. ~ Some people can handle it quite well but some may FREAK OUT during the peak.~ A lot like 150 mics.

250 mics- ~- " Entheogenic threshold "~
This is the classic and legendary acid trip dosage; this is a true LSD trip. ~ A lot like 2 grams of mushrooms. Peak effects are described as very intense. When the comedown started, he was fine, and he became a rockstar. ~ Memory flashbacks and strong intuitive experiences [this can be incredibly painful and/or incredibly beautiful].~ Rich sensory input / speed racing color enhancement. Peak effects are intense / delightful / scary. Sometimes mild-extreme confusion or thought loop lessons can happen at this dose. Average - vivid MC Esher Tessellations. Average-strong color opaque hue changing visuals. Peak effects are intense, spiritual harmony and/or discord, and hearing hallucinations are very likely. Detailed shuttering / after imaging / trails. Giggly underwater cerebral head / body high. Cotton mouth / body shivers / muscle contractions. This is an intense dose, people. Come down effects are often described as ‘more comfortable’ and less visual. After a good nights rest, the next day always has a brighter sparkle/vibe to it, especially if You smoke cannabis. ~

300 mics- ~
Careful... Patience... Getting into very powerful places. ~ Recommended that the tripper work his / her way up to this type of dosage. Some report experiencing crossing the space / time continue-um [one up]. Extremely vivid memories, flashbacks and unpleasant/blissful visions probably will manifest themselves, [depending on karma]. Detailed trails, tracers, and after imaging. ~~~ OEV fractals are very pronounced on surfaces, this is fact ~ Intense energy stimulant, body shivers and noticeable tryptamine shakes/muscle aches. Communication with nature [birds, animals, etc.] ~~~ Ability to discern can be thrown off; causing over analyzing an event / thought / situation. This can be potentially life threatening to ANYONE. At this dose, it is wise to consider a trustworthy tripper to watch over an inexperienced tripper; just in case. People have reported profusely sweating. ~ VERY intense during peak. ~Level 2- 3

400 mics- ~~ Level 3 ~ This dose will always knock You on Your ass ~ People always report this dose as thought provoking and / or life changing. This is where things start to get real insane, profoundly intense, and outrageous. 400+ micrograms is considered a Heavy dose of LSD. Increase in heart rate. Still able to move and walk about, no problem. There can be mild synesthesia (i.e. seeing sounds, tasting colors, hearing others thoughts etc.) ~ CEV & OEV are very detailed / entertaining at the peak.- 1/4 identity loss, slight splitting of the ego or starting to feel contradictory towards things [take it easy]. Some dissolving of reality, “further tapping in”. [some may report the feeling of dying ] ~ Intense hallucinations, visions, and/or imaginative experiences; typically world war III box theories. Time distortions and some moments of eternity after second peak. There is an extreme heightened sense of awareness of one's own feelings and drive. This is where One really starts playing Willard's game. Some report feeling of getting chewed up and spit out; and/Or going through a rough spiritual carwash. Some people regret taking doses this high. Please reconsider this dose before taking it if You are a newbie.~ ( "Two Hits of LSD" ) The "I Want My Mommy" dosage. During the trip, that is NOT a joke.
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~ 400-800 mics ~ " HEAVY tripping territory " ~ (2 - 5 hits of acid) These doses and higher can be VERY psychologically dangerous to anyone. [Blackouts/psychotic episodes may happen]~ Effects come on within the first 3 minutes - half hour. Peak effects last 6-7 hours. Total effects last around 16-18 Hours. ~ Pretty much where even some of the most experienced people draw the line. During the peak, Your vision is almost completely enveloped by fractal patterns, and if you were to stare at some pavement or something, it looks like you can see to the end of eternity. Miles and miles of visual depth. Extra Sensory Perception type experiences. Unusual thoughts and speech. ~Deep / introspective personal revelations ~Music can be so intense that it can control the trip / emotions. Jaw clenching ~Auditory hallucinations. ~Body movements start to become difficult and disorienting. People WILL think You are insane. - Some may report the feeling of dying. Feeling of loosing One's body. [LSD at doses this high provides a dissociative effect] ~ Astral Projections are possible. ~ PROFOUND contemplative insights into One's situations/lifestyle. Profound &Dangerous emotions emerge ( joyful, depressed, fearful, giddiness, anger, relieved, unsure, courageous, irritated, blissful {depending on set & setting} ) Music controls / vividly affects mood. Extremely sensitive to environment and temperature [Most males end up shaving and/or cutting their hair]. Extremely abnormal / "inappropriate" ideas and behavior may be exhibited [getting naked / punching holes in walls]. Unwanted and overwhelming experiences can arise. However, some do not regret these experiences.~ There will be a lot of tiredness the next day. Taking a day off from work post trip is a really good idea. It is extremely important to stay, sleep, and eat healthy when taking doses this high. ~~~
~ After effects last 24+ hours [ aka HPPD and/or flashbacks ]

500 mics-
"Four way / Four Square" -
Meaningful - Profound life changing experiences. This dose will alter anyone's perception in such a profound way, that describing the experience is ineffable. Peak effects seem to keep going, this scared Me settled. Ability to almost see through body during peak effects / profound trails. Futuristic visual improvements / designs. Profound hallucinations and visuals. Intense alice in wonderland type scenarios. Visuals lay over everything. Vastly expanding. Zooming in and out. Micro and Macro features become aware and present in the most profound ways; [this effect is breathtaking at higher doses]. Very detailed Closed Eye Visuals. CEV and OEV start to blend together [dmt like phenomenon/body high]. Auditory hallucinations.~~~ This dose or higher WILL show anyone profound things about Themselves, no matter what. [good or bad] ~ Level 3 - 4

700 mics- It is very psychologically dangerous for anyone to do 700+ micrograms, all at once. It is recommended to gain tolerance before doing a dose this high. If One has no experience/tolerance with LSD; paranoia, terror, and panic are very common at these doses. You want to talk about life changing experiences?... INTENSE perspective conversions. Some people who talk of taking "half a strip" usually ends up here. Mind fracturing, extra-sensory perception type phenomena. Intense open and closed eye imagery from Mexican, Greek, Hindu, American, Buddhist, Aztec, French, Mayan, Native American, Indian, and African cultures are quite common. Profound time distortions. ~ Objects / cognition / audio / emotions / visuals blend into the environment. Melting / wire frame objects are usually reported; open or closed eye visuals. Gongs are sometimes heard. Elevating door hinges and Spider Legs are commonly seen.

800 mics-
Blatant, overwhelming visuals during peak lasting hours. Intense trails and after imaging. Strong feeling of another presence. Feeling/s of being teleported into another dimension has been reported, [depending on set and setting]. Awfully appealing / moving kaleidoscopic OEV and CEV. Strange structures and fettle objects. Dissolving of boundaries between self and other. Visuals are so intense that it could scare the living shit out of someone. Many would end up dialing 911 if they could read the numbers on the phone and are alone. This is also where "more acid" becomes less important because the effects are very similar to an even higher dose. Shocking and overwhelming optical displays.

1000 mics-~ " Heroic threshold " ~ Most people will never go this high. Some report and experience teleporting and seeing beings walk through walls, depending on set and setting. Most people will think they are dying. Only visionaries and those who really seek will go this high. If you have 100 mic. and up hits of acid, this is where a "full strip" will put you. You basically cant see anything but visuals, your mind as a whole is infinitely connected with its self and your external environment. Trails are so intense they become disorienting with movement, most throw up. Ominous figures and melting walls come to life. ~ Amazing things happen on this dose no matter what. That being said... This dose will terrify most people shitless because they were not ready for this dose. It is extremely dangerous to do a dose this high. God / DMT entity contact is usually most often always reported. Little Joey Diaz's have been seen running around before...

1200 mics ~~
Impossible, astonishing things will always happen at this dose. [That doesn't mean it will always be what You want.] ~ Extremely vivid time lapses. [reports of experiencing past, present, and future events happening all at once] - Body movements are extremely confusing / disorienting. Trails are so intense You can see what You were/are doing in Your past / present / future; the transition between each moment blends together. You can no longer really see your own hand in front of your face. Your intellect and observations become one. ~ You will loose your ego, no matter what, depending on Your karma. Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies logic. Extremely profound loop / thought lessons. Harsh teachers will arise [metaphorically speaking...or not]. ~ Level 3 - 5 ~ If You are a newbie to LSD... You better back off... or else.



9600 micrograms - [Thumbprint] ~
This is literally like dying and coming back to life. Extremely profound, deep, contemplative, meaningful, introspective thoughts will arise. ~ God contact / divine intervention. Senses on overdrive. ~ Angel or Demon interaction. Warm & blissful. Pure, complete bliss/terror/solitude/spookiness/unsureness/contentment. Visually experiencing the environment folding in on itself like a pop up book. People report feeling ALL the good and bad feelings they ever made anyone feel or felt from anyone else. [life flashing before Your very eyes]. Intense wall dripping / ego shattering [dissolving of reality visual phenomenon.] Intense release of endorphins [dopamine surges / serotonin ecstasy / adrenaline rushes]. Feelings of getting electrocuted and/or abducted. Some of the most profound energetic experiences are reported. Interactions with galaxies, technological / ancient landscapes, and quasars. Nuclear holocaust type scenarios. Futuristic, communicative ceremonies. Melding into the environment. All consuming visuals / out of body experiences / near death experiences. Strong - profound feeling of connection to set and setting / universe. Most people will be so high that they will not want to move / can't move for hours; [dmt sleep mode] ~Landscapes reaching out for eons. Animals and DNA becomes subject. Beams of energy visually pour out emotions, liquid, metal, jewels, silica..etc. You will have an ego death. The Out of Body Experience is so profound, One will gain insights upon His/Herself, no matter what. DMT phenomena. [It is advised to fast and go to the bathroom before dosing. People have literally unconsciously peed and/or pooped their pants.] ~~~ Peak lasts 12+ hours. ~~~~~ [DMT / Near Death / Out of Body like experiences]

A dose like 700 mics and above will show anyone some very profound things.
Doses like 500 mics and above have changed many lives in both positive and negative ways.

Many people have learned to be patient, responsible, and how to clean up Their act.
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It is a reference to a fake magazine cover someone posted about 10 years ago on I think, Shroomery.
It was a classic.
I told you no, that shit is bad for you.
You wanna try it, get it yourself. I am not taking responsibility for that type of karma, again.
Oh, yes please, I would love to see what you come up with.
This is fucking entertaining. Just for the record, I don;t know you from a bar of soap, apart from your pathetic PM looking for mandrax.
Just be sure to add actual evidence because you are making major claims here.
That shit might work with sheep, but I am a wolf.
Oh, yes please, I would love to see what you come up with.
This is fucking entertaining. Just for the record, I don;t know you from a bar of soap, apart from your pathetic PM looking for mandrax.
Just be sure to add actual evidence because you are making major claims here.
That shit might work with sheep, but I am a wolf.
I'm not even talking about the mandrax. You hit me up under a fake account telling me to contact you so I sent you a text and you told me how someone else on here ripped you off some stuff and you asked for proof so I sent you a pic proving they did rip you off because he sent me the pic. This was discussed among other things
Please post it, so we can all see the shit you are making up. This is going to be entertaining, but I will report you. The moderators can very easily verify anything you have to offer as fantasy.
Please post it, so we can all see the shit you are making up. This is going to be entertaining, but I will report you. The moderators can very easily verify anything you have to offer as fantasy.
It wasn't through PMs. If it wasn't you, then someone knows you real well enough to pretend they were you and brought you into this saying stuff you prolly don't want said about you behind your back
Now how in the fuck would I get hold of any contact details of yours without going through P.M. You really should think shit through before you start making up crap.
You see, your story needs to make some sort of logical sense. I have never contacted anyone from this site.

P.S. If someone took you for a cunt through this site, I suggest you report it to the admins before making wild claims.
Now how in the fuck would I get hold of any contact details of yours without going through P.M. You really should think shit through before you start making up crap.
You see, your story needs to make some sort of logical sense. I have never contacted anyone from this site.

P.S. If someone took you for a cunt through this site, I suggest you report it to the admins before making wild claims.
I'll PM you. Don't want to go off the thread topic.
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