lsd dose question


New Member
Hey. I have a question tried to search and no luck. I have some low quality L prob 50 - 100m . I "trip" but not like I have before from one blotter. Would it be good to take two tabs at once or take one then another an hr later. Just wondering what's best. Dont dose a lot but want a good time.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Two hits at once shouldn't be a problem. I wouldn't recommend it but I've done as many as thirteen hits at once, but I was in fantastic condition at the time.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Back in the day, GOOD acid (Owsley) was right at 350 mcg. Use that as your measuring stick.
Hephaestus, I used to take a hit, then when I started coming on to that hit, I'd take another. That way I'd "peak" on the first one, start to come down a bit, then "peak" again!! ;) Lots o' fun!!


Well-Known Member
I like staggering doses, thats my preference....just keep eating until you are there....last much longer to...hey and mix some other stuff in man, its not a party with just one psychedelic :)


Well-Known Member
Eating it in bits has a tendency to prolong the experience without really increasing the intensity too much. Eat them all it once if you're worried about it being too weak. I like about 400ug personally.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Eating it in bits has a tendency to prolong the experience without really increasing the intensity too much. Eat them all it once if you're worried about it being too weak. I like about 400ug personally.
That's about right. 400 now, and another 400 in about 2 hrs. WOOT!!

BTW, whats the average dose out there these days? And is it still LSD25 or some other analog?


Well-Known Member
Well I just dropped for the first time ever about 5 minutes ago. I was informed my blotter was 150-200 mics. Happy tripn brother!


Well-Known Member
Well I just dropped for the first time ever about 5 minutes ago. I was informed my blotter was 150-200 mics. Happy tripn brother!
Maybe I will join you just got off work and have a ten strip with my name written all over it....

You know for me when I keep eating acid I feel the intensity going up...I mean not when I just eat one tab then 3 hours later another, but when I EAT acid I like to just keep eating until that moment....


Well-Known Member
That's about right. 400 now, and another 400 in about 2 hrs. WOOT!!

BTW, whats the average dose out there these days? And is it still LSD25 or some other analog?
I don't eat acid all that much anymore and I'm small. 800ug even divided would probably be overwhelming physically. If I want to trip that hard I can do it in a less physically taxing manner.


Well-Known Member
I always thought you had to double the dose? or is that a myth? like Doubling that scientific fact lol... I took 600ug one day then the next I ate 600ug and limited effect.... and another time I tripped on about 400ug and the next day I doubled the dose with 800 ug and I had another pretty good trip. But, the 800 ug trip was not like if you had not eaten acid in a week and then ate was more like a mild to moderate dose.... I have tripped all day and tried eating more acid but I just ended up going to sleep a few hours later with no effect.


Well-Known Member
Most people(not saying you) that eat acid all day and then eat more way later,usually have the same effect..great trip then an extended 'bzzzzzz' for another 6 hours..I find(for me) that starting out at about 800ug makes me settle down a bit(get the party mood gone)..right when I'm starting to peak,I try to go about 200ug an hour for 3 more hours each hour..makes the peak about 8 hours long..sometimes its more if I'm in the right setting (festivals,shows,bedroom;-) )
Duck..I like lucy to beat me into the cushions/tent/r.v. for a few hours..when she let's me get up,I feel refreshed..
And to beat kervork to it..PLEASE EAT 2CB WITH YOUR ACID!! (I'm joshing ya dude..I got some 2cb in the works and will re-evaluate your statements first hand...)


Well-Known Member
Hahaha!..sorry for hijacking...roger from family guy said ''excuse me..,I'm what you might call an 'advanced drinker'''....hehe..I'm what you might call an 'advanced spuntard!'


Well-Known Member
Just take two or three at a time. It will be alright you're taking it to trip anyway right might as well trip.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Back in the day, GOOD acid (Owsley) was right at 350 mcg. Use that as your measuring stick.
Hephaestus, I used to take a hit, then when I started coming on to that hit, I'd take another. That way I'd "peak" on the first one, start to come down a bit, then "peak" again!! ;) Lots o' fun!!
Yeah I don't think most people realise how strong 350 mics really is lol. I see numbers like 600 and 800 being thrown around a lot these days. You just KNOW nobody is taking those kinda doses. I have gotten samples touted to be 200 mics that I would rate as 70 or 80 MAX.

I remember those old 350 mic Getafix papers. Didn't really matter how small you cut that thing up, you got schmangled. Quarters taught a few people some lessons LOL.

I also liked the '40 minute stagger' stronger than taking just one, lasts suuuuper long too, and the 'golden hour' stretches into 2 or 3. Topping up your dose works until around 3 hours in if it is STRONG acid.

EDIT: DAMMIT I MISS ACID! I think I might just go back on the whole 'stopped taking psychedelics' thing. It HAS been 9 months. Long enough of a break lol...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't think most people realise how strong 350 mics really is lol. I see numbers like 600 and 800 being thrown around a lot these days. You just KNOW nobody is taking those kinda doses. I have gotten samples touted to be 200 mics that I would rate as 70 or 80 MAX.

I remember those old 350 mic Getafix papers. Didn't really matter how small you cut that thing up, you got schmangled. Quarters taught a few people some lessons LOL.

I also liked the '40 minute stagger' stronger than taking just one, lasts suuuuper long too, and the 'golden hour' stretches into 2 or 3. Topping up your dose works until around 3 hours in if it is STRONG acid.

EDIT: DAMMIT I MISS ACID! I think I might just go back on the whole 'stopped taking psychedelics' thing. It HAS been 9 months. Long enough of a break lol...
Depending on what transpired in that 9 months, right? And I promise you Rory is talking about 800ug...and he is not bullshitting or mistaken


Well-Known Member
I've been aroung raw grams here and there since I was 18 and I'm 35 now...for the people who stopped eating acid in the 80s and hasn't seen in 17 years..I've been around that much here and there for 17 years..1mg(not microgram) trips used to be the norm when I was yes..800ug I toss around because its done..eating 1500ug a couple times a year is expected by my brain..and I try not to
Wish I could meet puddle ya outta love!!