LSD how often is to often

Title says it pretty much. Been consuming 3 hits every week
I always had very rapid tolerance build up. 2 days in a row I would never even close get the same effect. Been a while now since I did acid but I'd personally rather a couple hits or more per day once a month. I don't have much experience with micro dosing.
Trip 3 times a week? Wow I did E for a whole week once but I wouldnt trip 3 times a week.

Id say acid stick to few times a year. I havent done it in 15 years though, I get higher with true genetics AK 47 with the right grower lol
I found on long strange trips my tolerance got higher and higher. 4 shows in a row ide start with 2 hits first show by the 4th ide need 5-6. Depending on the dosage and strength.
I tihnk you can go weekly or maybe a couple times a week. I know if I keep that pace up too long (3 months) though I just get tired and need/want a break.
Not more than once a month at most. And not for a sustained time either. Take a break. Explore some other things than this. Art, poetry, gardening, nature. Maybe it's time to come down for awhile. Let you mind create.

Go out and enjoy yourself and others. Take a nap in the woods.
From recent research and studies [2018]:
Taking LSD everyday will give the user mild-extreme hang over effects.
Especially mixing with other drugs; this includes cannabis.

Our brain chemistry can only go so far; in terms of a consistent use of energy that is stored within Our own body's systems. The more One takes the drug, the more One uses up Their stored energy.
We only hold so much energy in one moment.

It takes approximately 3-4 days to restore / gain back One's tolerance.
It takes a solid 2-3 weeks to completely "re"store One's brain chemistry.

It all depends on two things...
1.) How often
2.) How much

If One is taking 25 μgs every single day...
By Day 3 or 4 after administering every single day; One will notice not only a decrease in desired effects but an increase in hang over effects as well. This includes swearing, raise in body temperature, elevated tone in One's voice, a short fuse, and an increase in volatility & anger.

One may get away with taking 25 μgs two - three times in two days.
One may even get away with taking 50 - 75 μgs two-three times in two days.

Just know...
The more You take...
the more You are going to have to consider Your "re"uptake time, diet, sleep, and set & setting.

"Re"uptake time - for allowing Your brain chemistry catch up to healthy, normal levels.
Diet / Sleep - for allowing Your body to ease, heal, and revert back to normal levels.
Set & Setting - for not allowing certain "ticks" or triggers get the best of You.

If You master being able to take microdoses weekly with an acceptable and appropriate attitude.
We may just in fact discover a new way of getting things done in a more efficient, evolved,
and futuristic way.