LSD in pill form


Well-Known Member
hi all,

Is there such a thing as an LSD pill?

I got told by a friend he got offered one and can get me some. I have never heard of an LSD tablet. Maybe it's ecstasy with LSD mixed in or something like that.

Been out of the Lsd market for a long time so things might of changed.
microdots are pretty much lsd in 'pill form' however i don't even know anyone that's done in them in the last like 10 years so chances are its probably some kind of 2c pill or there's even pills around here with nbome in them
Thanks guys. I know back in the day lol. They never had lsd pills, had ecstasy with lsd properties but always came in bottle or paper form. No point buying a bottle these days, It would evaporate before I could do even half.
Back in the day, all of them were pills.
That's right, if I do recall correctly cheech and chong riding in a car chong gives cheech a couple pills and says oh shit sorry that was acid, hope you're not busy for awhile, cop pulls them over, cheech hands him his license, what is your name sir, cheech thinks about it, we'll isn't right there lmfao!
microdots are pretty much lsd in 'pill form' however i don't even know anyone that's done in them in the last like 10 years so chances are its probably some kind of 2c pill or there's even pills around here with nbome in them
Theres plenty of microdots for sale on the dreammarket.
I hate to be that guy, but seeing as it starts in crystal form theoretically they could put into whatever form they desire.