LSD or Mushrooms


I'm planning on doing either this weekend, so I have 2 choices either mushrooms or Lsd. Also I am a first timer for both of the drugs so how much would you reccomend I take of each and what drug do you suggest I do?


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend LSD at least for me as it is less emotionally taxing and has more mental clarity than mushrooms. Though it will depend a lot of the strength of both drugs (how much LSD is on the blotter/pill and what strain the mushrooms are and how optimum their growing conditions were). You may get some shit blotter and amazing mushrooms or the other way around. But in general LSD has always been a smoother trip than mushrooms, which kind of throw you for a mental loop at random times more than LSD. At least for me...


Ya personally I don't think my dealer has good mushrooms, but my buddy did some today so ill see how his trip went tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Mushrooms are mire visual LSD is just the fucking shit my face hurts after I finally goto bed from laughing and smilling so much hippieflip them it's pretty tight to but the LSD kinda rules out the mushrooms but has alittle bit more enhance visuals and chasers not saying LSD isn't visual some of it is more visual then body or vice versa doesn't take near the shrooms as LSD to see someone walk by you and keep walking by minutes later lmao


Active Member
I wish I could find some LSD! No one I know has any clue where to get it. I'm on SSRI's so nothing works on me but I've heard LSD would.


Really? well my friend today told me that it was 10 bucks a pill and later on I texted her and she told me it was 15, either she is lieing and trying to profit off of my buy or just telling the truth. She said its expensive because it's good. How much is LSD Per gram usually?