LSD + Salvia


Active Member
intense trip.

get real high on acid, and then smoke a huge bowl of salvia

....try adding mushrooms, dmt or shit into that


Active Member
dude I was so mangled

everyone says I was saying weird ass shit

i dont remember anything but in the corner outside behind this store trying to get out of the wind taking a hoot, and then everyone huddle around my friend as hes taking his saying "what is high" and my friend said "you are high"


Well-Known Member
Why not just drink a cup of ayahuasca? If prepared correctly, (and many entheogen suppliers offer kits for brews) it contains most of those psychoactive substances, or more organic forms of them.


Well-Known Member

I think he's got a decent point. For those whose mind is strong enough, we're all going to push the bounds of what our consciousness can handle.
Just beware, some substances don't synergize very well with others. I can tell you right off the bat that 5-MeO-AMT doesn't mix well with MDMA, just as LSD, mushrooms, MDMA, and pristine white widow bud can do incredible things.

Trip on, psychonaut.


Well-Known Member
intense trip.

get real high on acid, and then smoke a huge bowl of salvia

....try adding mushrooms, dmt or shit into that
What happened, did you write down your experience?

I have taken LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, and GHB all together, not in that order. I started out with LSD, an hour later I droped some MDMA and GHB. Then, I did some K and some hippy crack. Talk about some visuals, I would pass out from the gas and still be able to see everything from the trails I was getting from the sid. Then the MDMA made everything delirious by turning everything into a jungle, vines were climbing up the wall and everything. When I would come back from the hole/passing out from the Nitrous I could still see everything with my eyes open. Everything then slowly morphed back into it's original shapes. I went through this for a few hours. Pretty damn fun if you ask me, however I don't think I would have added Salvia into the equation. Salvia is the most potent natural occuring psychedelic known to man, it might cancel some drugs completly out.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I will never understand why you kids mix your substances like that. Fucking stupid in my opinion. Why can't you just enjoy one drug at a time? LSD and MDMA can be mixed (called "candyflipping"), but only by those who are well experienced with both drugs. I don't get why you would ruin a MDMA experience with shit like ketamine, nitrous and fucking GHB. fucking stupid, and you deserve an OD.


Active Member
when i was younger i alwasy did as meny drugs as i could find
doin coke and dilaudids and acid and smoked tonns of weed and K and beans

but im on mehadone now and i feel i have a new start to life and life is good


i just tried salvia this weekend in vagas some kiosk had it and i remembered seeing it on here so i tried some 10x i was drunk as hell when we smoked it but it reminded me of nitrous oxide intense for about 5 minutes now with acid i dont know acid used to cut through everything else.


Well-Known Member
I did it the other way around... mellow into a good mood with schedule 7 codeiin, pop acid then smoke salvia about 40 minutes in... comming down frown the S you are in the most visual acid trip you had for a while...

Ooh there is something to the new experiences available from mixing stuff hey... don't diss it, just be safe.

I don't remember them passing me the salvia, but I know I was sitting next to the guys doing it... the next moment I felt myself being tiny chrome balls returning from all the corners of the universe and forming me... I looked normal but was made from metal inside... I have never felt so strong in my life.