LSD Scrog | 400w | RDWC


Well-Known Member
Going to get the supplies i need tomorrow to make the net. Not really sure if i want to get wood or pvc to make the frame. This might sound girly but pvc is ugly as fuck so i really really really doubt ill be getting pvc.

Material to make the net is also in the air. Could use cheap string or try and find some plastic type garden string, I've seen such at a local department store in their shitty garden area. Plastic string/line must be smooth though, if its not smooth i fear it would scrape up the stems throughout the grow, dont really need unwanted stress. We'll see tomorrow. Peace


Well-Known Member
Day 30 Veg,

Looks like I'm going to have great plant structure before i even drop the net down. Looking good. Feeling good. :weed:

Pics taken when lights were off, they are resting!

PPM:[email protected] conversion
PH: 5.8



Well-Known Member
i want to put the screen in so bad but i think its too close to the netpot still, gonna wait for like 10-12 inches i think


Well-Known Member
My first DIY screen, oh man was stringing it up a bitch, i got 2 blisters and a sliver but its done haha. Also check out this eye screw that came in a 100 pack, im going back to demand my money back! not. But still i laughed when i pulled it out. Homecheapo for the win.



Well-Known Member
i did 2 inches, even though i have no experience scrogging i feel ill have more control over the tops with 2 inch over 3 inch.


Well-Known Member
my next adventure is figuring out how to place the net in my box. Not enough wood to make legs and hanging is out of the question. I think im going to place 4 big ass screws in the 4 corners of the box and lay it on top. The wood frame should be light enough not to bend the screws but also heavy enough to stay stable.


Well-Known Member
You could use wedges,like smaller versions of what you would put under a door to keep it ajar.


Well-Known Member
Just fucking took apart my window a/c and completely cleaned it inside and out. I even went as far straightening the heatsink that always bends in the rear of the unit. I love when i see the back of peoples units and its all fucked up and bent all over the place and im sure they wonder why their a/c sucks! Anyway that was fun. Tomorrow ill put those wedges in and the net will be in place and constant 72 degree room. Life is good.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'm seriously considering devising an A/C unit to cool my basement. I haven't had a dehumidifier until recently and it definitely increased my heat. I don't have anywhere great ot put one though which is what sucks. I was considering just mounting it on a frame (faux wall) outside my room to cool the air getting sucked in. Does that sound crazy?


Well-Known Member
no it doesnt sound crazy as long as the room the a/c is blowing into is relatively sealed. It would look ghetto too but thats the fun of urban growing isnt it? :D