LSD tonight.


Well i came here because grasscity doesnt let you talk about LSD.

Tonight i am taking LSD for the first time. At around 7pm im going to bike to my friends house, get some weed, LSD, and then from there, who knows.
My parents are out for the weekend and will be back sunday.

Is there any advice i could use. I am not very worried about a bad trip. I think i should have the mind set of : Dont expect anything,just go with it.
The first time is usually all laughs all night. For me it was downhill from there I only did it like 6 times cause it lost it's luster, although my bro did it like 200 times who fuckin knows... I like shrooms better
yeah fuck grass city, buncha fags there. i got banned for asking legit questions about lsd. if you have experience with other drugs especially hallucinations, you will be fine. i remember the 2nd time i did it, i took a hit and it seemed weak so an hour later i took 2 more. i eventually felt so fucked up i was worried that the others didnt kick in yet and it was going to be too intense. it did get stronger but when it did, im thinking, holy fuck this feels awesome, i wish it would get even stronger. it seemed a lot like shrooms and some similarities to weed. i've done lsa before and it was also similar to that but much better than lsa. lsa made me feel nausea though. make sure your whole day is planned out for the most part. make sure your not going to have to do anything or worry about anything. remember, you cant die and you cant get permanently stuck in a trip. lot of bullshit about lsd out there. i think it's a fucking awesome drug and i wish it was around more often where i live. i thnk u will have a fun time. weed seems to intensify it a lot.
Mescaline does not go in microdots, the required dosage is far too high to fit.
And cacti went nowhere, a visit to a decent nursery and you could have some today.
Mescaline does not go in microdots, the required dosage is far too high to fit.
And cacti went nowhere, a visit to a decent nursery and you could have some today.

Ahhhh...San Pedro....Yes!!:twisted::peace:


"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:
ah lsd i just giggled my arse off on that shit :) an its all in the mind but a positive enviroment helps an happy ppl also helps avoid sketchy shit as it could send you the wrong way :)

peace :bigjoint:

yesterday i went to warped tour and dropped 2 shivas at once. holy fuck that was insane...

i was stuck in a seat for probly 5 hours and at some points i could not focus on anything. i was watching bands i knew the songs of and i could not even comprehend what they were saying.

im so glad i was with 2 people who could take care of me.

after that, i was able to focus and know what was going on.. the rest went amazing. very good visuals and a clean trip.

took it at around 11:30am yesterday and still felling it now at 7:30am after 2 bars, beer and some purple kush...

Mescaline does not go in microdots, the required dosage is far too high to fit.
And cacti went nowhere, a visit to a decent nursery and you could have some today.
I know true mesc isn't...but in the 80's we had" acid ""on paper or gell and the microdots were always called "mescaline"....but it's not true cactus.
jesus, i did lsd, and some ecstacy, and i had the most fun in my life! we went up through this trippy path up on a hill with grass growing tall, someone had a guitar and another person was singing, and we just stared at the sky, and this is when we actually started tripping, a distintual trip from the E anyways. then we went back and i was tripping out on a vase, and we had a hotknife sesh. then we went downstairs and in the room downstairs we felt like 3x more high for some reason (its all decorated for psychedelics.) then we smoked out of a trippy swirly pipe and went outside. and i couldnt stop laughing. and we were tripped out on some bushes. then we went inside, turned off the blacklight turned on hendrix and just talked and smoked weed. joked around. then i checked my pockets again and found a left over ecstacy tab. when i was peaking i started tripping balls again lol. it was definatly an expirience that everyone should try.
ah lsd i just giggled my arse off on that shit :) an its all in the mind but a positive enviroment helps an happy ppl also helps avoid sketchy shit as it could send you the wrong way :)

peace :bigjoint:
You cleary haven't had enough. :)
jesus, i did lsd, and some ecstacy, and i had the most fun in my life! we went up through this trippy path up on a hill with grass growing tall, someone had a guitar and another person was singing, and we just stared at the sky, and this is when we actually started tripping, a distintual trip from the E anyways. then we went back and i was tripping out on a vase, and we had a hotknife sesh. then we went downstairs and in the room downstairs we felt like 3x more high for some reason (its all decorated for psychedelics.) then we smoked out of a trippy swirly pipe and went outside. and i couldnt stop laughing. and we were tripped out on some bushes. then we went inside, turned off the blacklight turned on hendrix and just talked and smoked weed. joked around. then i checked my pockets again and found a left over ecstacy tab. when i was peaking i started tripping balls again lol. it was definatly an expirience that everyone should try.

sounds like you had a real good time!!!!that's awesome...I love candy flippin'