I just put it in my mouth for a minute and try to fold it up with my teeth and then swallow it, the tabs i get are always only good quality paper so they don't disintegrate in your mouth however that does make it more annoying to swallow. Real LSD is fine to just swallow straight away, makes pretty much no different feels better than having it stuck to the inside of your mouth however my friend swears by keeping it in his mouth till he trips every time so just do whatever you want i guess haha.
Tbh I find 150ug the best starting dose to give to people who have never done acid before, but that's also people who have usually never done psychedelics so if you've done shrooms and what not before then you could definitely do more and just be absolutely fine. 100ug and less doesn't give you the full experience that acid has to offer 150+ is where it starts to shine and going to 300 and over is where things get weird, very weird. The first time my friend did 300ug he was laying in a field and apparently he saw a green goblin / alien thing tell him to take more acid so he ended up bumping it up to 500ug, never seen a man hit a joint and just start crying before but when you're on that much lsd things will happen, what things? things