LSD What would YOU recommend.

That's the spirit! You would only have to wait three days for your tolerance to reset, but I put the tab in my mouth and just leave it there until it turns to mush but you only need to leave it in your mouth for about 30 secs for it to be absorbed into your system. It's all really personal preference, some people can't stand the tab in their mouth so they wait a couple minutes and spit it out or swallow it. Then others, like myself, couldn't care less and just put it in their mouth and forget about it.
True tolerance wouldn't full be restored until bare minimum of a week usually more like 2 but sometimes up to 4. Same with Shrooms, mescaline, even MDMA. Its because of the intense burst of serotonin being release at tremendous rates during said trip or roll.
mmm MDMA haven't done any for a long time, probably going to get some very soon now that I have a trusted source for just about anything.
Well I know you'd be fine after a week. I tripped every week from last Fourth of July weekend until about mid November and had a fantastic time. Again these thing fall back on the individuals body chemistry. But I drifted away from mdma after I burnt all the serotonin out of my brain and went into deep depression for about a month. Then again that's why you shouldn't do it every day lol but it's never really been the same since I don't enjoy the feeling of rolling nearly as much.
They say the "magic" doesn't ever come back for some. And yes you can trip every week but its not the same as the first one that started those weekly trips now is it :P I fully believe a week is not long enough to fully restore ones tolerance to zero. But maybe for you it is, as you said different body chemistry.

I've also had my fair share of MDMA abuse. What I feel it did to me is I get hyped about something and the next instant it quickly fades making a weird feeling in my chest like if something shitty happens when your tripping or high or whatever. I had never experienced that feeling until I had tried mdma and something shitty would happen while rolling for example a friend leaving from the group or something, I'm sure you know the feeling I'm talking about.
Not concerned, just curious as to what others have to say. Ill probably end up doing 3 or 4 cuz that's just the way I am most of the time, I don't want to not do enough be disappointed and have to wait another 2-4 weeks to try again.

Also, do you guys just swallow it like a pill or hold it under your tongue?

I just put it in my mouth for a minute and try to fold it up with my teeth and then swallow it, the tabs i get are always only good quality paper so they don't disintegrate in your mouth however that does make it more annoying to swallow. Real LSD is fine to just swallow straight away, makes pretty much no different feels better than having it stuck to the inside of your mouth however my friend swears by keeping it in his mouth till he trips every time so just do whatever you want i guess haha.

Tbh I find 150ug the best starting dose to give to people who have never done acid before, but that's also people who have usually never done psychedelics so if you've done shrooms and what not before then you could definitely do more and just be absolutely fine. 100ug and less doesn't give you the full experience that acid has to offer 150+ is where it starts to shine and going to 300 and over is where things get weird, very weird. The first time my friend did 300ug he was laying in a field and apparently he saw a green goblin / alien thing tell him to take more acid so he ended up bumping it up to 500ug, never seen a man hit a joint and just start crying before but when you're on that much lsd things will happen, what things? things
Yea I know exactly what you and yea that "magic " definitely never came back after my mdma abuse I'll still do it from time to time but I don't think it'll ever be the same. I had a shitload of fun doing it though lol. But as far as the trip not being the same after only a week it's really hard to tell because every trip is so different anyway. In the way that even with the same people in the same place on the same amount it will be a totally different experience. But for me it never really seemed to deminish the effects L just allowed me to function better on it.
I usually put it between my gums and cheek that way its not going all over the place in my mouth and I tend to forget about it. My buddy and I have an unofficial contest to see who can keep the tabs in their mouth the longest (but its really hard to keep 7-10 hits in your mouth for more than 15 minutes!)
I've heard if its bitter (nbome) you can swallow it right away as your stomach acid destroys the nbome, or spit it out and wash out your mouth. Of course if its real LSD it won't have a flavor or maybe just a hint of a metal twang
I just put it in my mouth for a minute and try to fold it up with my teeth and then swallow it, the tabs i get are always only good quality paper so they don't disintegrate in your mouth however that does make it more annoying to swallow. Real LSD is fine to just swallow straight away, makes pretty much no different feels better than having it stuck to the inside of your mouth however my friend swears by keeping it in his mouth till he trips every time so just do whatever you want i guess haha.

Tbh I find 150ug the best starting dose to give to people who have never done acid before, but that's also people who have usually never done psychedelics so if you've done shrooms and what not before then you could definitely do more and just be absolutely fine. 100ug and less doesn't give you the full experience that acid has to offer 150+ is where it starts to shine and going to 300 and over is where things get weird, very weird. The first time my friend did 300ug he was laying in a field and apparently he saw a green goblin / alien thing tell him to take more acid so he ended up bumping it up to 500ug, never seen a man hit a joint and just start crying before but when you're on that much lsd things will happen, what things? things
Lmao that's awesome. I've never had that on L. I always have the shifting color changing effect but never any true hallucinations (as in seeing things that truly aren't there) but I love it all the same. Although on high doses I lose the ability to hold a conversation lol. The worst was the time I ate around 1500ug (2 500ug np tabs and a hit of fluff mop) at a fest and end up "talking" to the owner of Byrds adventure center, a couple of bands that played, and the 20 or so other people that tried to have a conversation with the guy by the fire smiling from ear to ear. Needless to say it didn't go well lol
Ah man, but that's the best part, your just fucked out of your damn face its awesome, but at the same time I realllly want to experience a true psychedelic experience like what they were originally meant for thousands of years ago, spiritual experiences life changing events that's what I'm really looking for in psychedelics now a days. My interest in them and knowledge about why certain things happen, ect ect has sky rocketed in the past few months so I feel if its going to happen, one of these times soon is going to be it.
If you just want to get f'd up and faced then do at least 4 or 5 tabs. Don't talk about all this pussy footin' and trepidation. For many including myself. Acid is more for social gatherings than shrooms. Nowadays I almost always have some sort of spiritual experience with shrooms. Gets boring TBH. Not really with acid. Unless it was a very large dose. And the right set and setting. Acid is more shit and giggles. Since you're already experienced with shrooms. And you enjoy being faced. Go big with the L. If you are a drinker. Get a decent amount of whatever alcohol that you enjoy to calm your nerves jic. Booze is great on acid. Your body drunk. Not head drunk. Also alot of weed.
My 1st dose was 300ug. It had been months since my last trip (which was superbly intense-- I estimate that I took 6mg equivalent in LST). It was great, up until I started holing (y'know, universe dissolution). I ended up thinking I was mad and spilling a bottle of ink on my carpet, but holy hell, looking back on what I learned is great. So I'd say start at maybe 200ug.
So. As the title suggests this thread will be on the discussion of how much LSD would YOU personally recommend to somebody who hasn't done it before. That person obviously being well you guessed it, me.
Have PLENTY experience with mushrooms, as far as I can tell, they are quite similar in comparison.
The differences being? That's what I'm going for here. If you say X amount also include the reasoning for suggesting this amount. I'm not scared at all of the LSD just more curious what you guys think would be best. Another thing to add in with your reasonings, how do YOU take your lsd, swallow, under tongue maybe mix with water and put in eye dropper?

The LSD will be consumed next weekend so there is a bit of a gap between now and then to gather info.(Currently 2/7/16)
It would depend on how experienced they are with similar drugs. If you want to be real safe, I would really just start with half a dose. I remember I didnt do LSD for years and only took half a piece of blotter and got fucked up out of my mind. Eventually I took 2 more which really helped prolong it. Everything looked like I was wearing prism glasses, mini rainbows everywhere. I seen mirages like puddles of water in my friends yard that didn't exist. Art and nature look extremely beautiful. The colors get so vivid. You can stare at fish in an aquarium and be in awe for hours. The thing is though, unless you know more about it, you can never tell for sure how potent it is or how much you are taking. Where I am LSD is very rare or very secret but when it is around, it's usually on blotter paper because it's so easy to hide. You can just swallow it but i usually keep it in my mouth until it gets soggy then swallow. A lot of the negative hype about LSD is bullshit. It can make some people do dangerous things, but everyone I know never has. I have seen people have bad trips like rolling on the ground thinking they couldn't breathe. My friends brought him outside and he was all the sudden fine it was all in his head. Just had a panic attack I think. He was even experienced with it before. I don't think everyone needs a trip sitter. Most of my trips I did alone. I've taken large amounts before where my friends thought I was nuts but it always wore off eventually. Tolerance builds up big time. Never do it on a whim, that spells disaster for a bad trip. Always be prepared and at least somewhat have a plan. Weed really helps enhance it. I have friends that tell me they can't eat on it but when I smoke enough on acid I like to just watch videos and eat junk food. Buy a half gallon of your favorite ice cream and watch The Wall, you will be in heaven! Most importantly have fun and be safe!
Hmm. I never really got this, but my tolerances to everything are really fucked up, most likely because my mind compensates for distortion very well. To me, 50ug isn't really a trip--it's just a nice high, like a gram of some decent sativa. If you are trying acid you are trying it for the trip, most likely; in this case, you really will be very underwhelmed until you pass 100ug.