

Active Member
I want to try LSD very badly, but I live in New Orleans and all my dealers say it's a "white drug". Any idea on what crowds I should look for to get acid?


Well-Known Member
a white drug!! hahhahahahah. that is funny because all the black people I know are afraid of it.

Make it yourself in the bathtub.


Well-Known Member
Haha! That's really fucking funny, because this one black dude I know says thats the only drug that he'll do!


Well-Known Member
I want to try LSD very badly, but I live in New Orleans and all my dealers say it's a "white drug". Any idea on what crowds I should look for to get acid?
hey man im not too far from girl is from NOLA

I dont see to much cid coming through, but it comes around a couple times a year, but mostly from out of state from what ive seen and heard.

and i think my buddy Kushcrosser is right with the tie-dye and festivals.
You might have just missed your chance with Voodoo Fest, probably could have scored some cid there. Ive never been to Jazz Fest, but i imagine its about the same thing with a similar crowd.


like jollygreen says, acid doesnt really come through here that much.... i mean it does, but it stays in its circle... limited quantities and doesnt really make it out to open market... your best bet are the festivals as there are people from all over... and locals you never see come out of hiding for festivals too.... good luck on your hunt; if nothing else, start growing shrooms


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I want to try LSD very badly, but I live in New Orleans and all my dealers say it's a "white drug". Any idea on what crowds I should look for to get acid?
heh.. ask people you know who party, someone will know someone who does it. Go to a rave, hippie festival, hippie music concert, techno concert or anything along those lines.