well my friend is on an hour 1/2. im on an hour. we feel shit except lazy, and pain reliever sorta. like were really light. and it's hard to type. u think it's fake?20 mins to 1.5 hours....
or...about 5 minutes after you smell smoke and feel something ooozing out of your ear... LOL.
bt dt
this is our first time on acid. does it ever kick in to see shit?i was told u see bugs bunny or colors at least. nebody know if that is later o or what?if you want it fast put it in your eye you will start to feel it in about 15 mins peace
il do that but what im asking is when do people start seing shit? is it usually an hour half, 3 hours? what time we talking here?find some strobe lights, or somthin trippy it helps
damnit i want something better to happen than just this body highmate its can be a lot moor fuckd up than that. it can take you out of this world and you mite not come back but i love it if its good stuf have fun. ps it takes me 45-75 min