LST and bent stem question


Active Member
Hello hello! Newbie/ lurker here, attempting an LST grow under CFL's. My plant is about a month old, pretty small, maybe 5 inches or so, 5 nodes...

My question is, I just tried to bend it down a little more and it appears I bent the stem too much and it doesn't hold upright as much as it did before I bent it. It's not broken, just bent over. Will it be okay like that, or did I just screw it all up?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
can we see pics? it sounds like your bent it over and its leaning sideways and the tops is growing back up towards the light kind of like an S am i correct?


Active Member
can we see pics? it sounds like your bent it over and its leaning sideways and the tops is growing back up towards the light kind of like an S am i correct?
Since I *just* bent it, it was a bit more like a sideways L. No cams for pics, unfortunately. I propped it back up with a bit of wire and it seems to be holding upright again, without the wire, so maybe I just freaked a little early, lol.

But it is still a little bent about an inch from the base...bent like when you bend a straw in half, not like a smooth curve.


Active Member
Give it some time, as long as you didn't snap it I would guess it will start to grow back up towards the light in a day or two. Sounds like you also have kinda thin stems, how far are the lights from the tops of the plant? Also do you have a fan blowing, helps makes the stems stronger.

I do the same thing, on my third grow attempt and I freak and get paranoid at every little thing I do...sounds like you should be fine tho :mrgreen: Just be careful when lsting, bend slowly and do it over the course of a couple days just so you don't stress the plant out.