Lst gone right : )

So i orignally only LSTD two of my babies but after the progress i saw from them and the great reviews i decided to do a couple more. Let me know what you guys think; always open for input and yes those are ladybugs to eat the spidermites i had : ). I dont like chemicals!!!!!



Active Member
That is a shitload of lady bugs LMAO How do you feed them all, because I hope you don't have enough spider mites to keep all those alive


how are the ladybugs in the house? do they get everywhere? i want some but i dotn want to come home and have ladybugs everwhere
To answer everyones questions.

I am using Black Gold soil, i get it from a friend who is dealer for them. They are big in canada for growers according to her.

The Ladybugs have been awesome! ordered 1500 off ebay. Placed a little over a 1/4 of them in the room. At first i was very scared they would fly everywhere and get all over my house but fortunately they didn't really seem to fly all that much and didn't seem to want to leave the room, even if i had the door open (blowing a fan into the room). They have slowly been dying but i have a nice little hand held vacuum that i just suck them up with. They seem to go straight for the light and kill themselves if i have the door shut for too long. All and all they are doing a great job, aren't much of a problem and really helping my babies get some nice healthy growth in before flowering.

And to dreadhead i am LMAO too with how many of those ladybugs are in the room. Its a little overkill but is only doing good.

Hope this clears everything up a little more. Thanks for the input and feedback they are looking really nice today!



Well-Known Member
very well done matey, if im ever unfortunate to have a spider mite problem they'll be the first things i try

lukey boii

Active Member
lady bugs haha awesome! cant wait to see the next lot of pics, im LSTing myself but tying the plant around the pot in a circle so it will be good to see wich technique works out better


Well-Known Member
yeah for sure its better than insect spray but. ladybugs dont eat spidermites are much are you think. they prefer aphids. no pest strips worked better than ladybugs. just so you know
Wannaquickee you are correct. The lady bugs aren't that great when it comes to getting rid of spider mites but more so to help prevent them from coming onto your harvest. I acted a little too late and the mites are getting the share of my harvest but nothing out of control.

I plan to post new pictures up tomorrow sometime.. I plan to harvest friday so things are starting to look good and swollen.