LST in flowering. Do i cut ties with my strings??


Well-Known Member
I'm going about two weeks or so into flowering ... i've LST'd them from the beginning .. they are coming out terrific. Shitload of tops ... however... since were talking about low STRESS training. are these plants accustomed to the bending they've already experienced. or .. since they are flowering is now the time to untie and let them grow... i haven't made new ties since the first week of flowering but I'm wanting a half decent yeild. so do i cut ties.

another question.... should i remove the new growth on the bottom of the plant. I know in the long run it'll will only yeild a few crumbs for me ....???

Last question ... My LA Woman is pretty fucking dense with foliage.. They recommend thinning the leaves during flowering.... This girl seems like all she wants to put out is HUGE fan leaves ( which i don't want to remove) ... i know it's a fucking noob question but. How exactly am i going to thin them as recommended... cut fan leaves in half?? like i said .. it doesn't contain much side branching since all the branches are LST'd to for a main top... any help is appreciated.


Active Member
i had a similar question. i lst'd from the beginning and wasnt sure what to do once i started flowering. im a little over a month now and i have removed all strings except for the ones at the base of the plant (anchor). my plants basically just shot straight up, and when i did remove the ties they did not change growth at all. i would keep them on there long enough to get good light to the lower parts of your main branches for as long as you can. i have about 5 main colas per plant, leave some ties if you want to make them all more level.

also if you lst'd good i would definitely trim some lower leaves and branches, i would do some moderate 'lollipopping'. it might only add a little to the main nugs but will prevent some stick farming.

as far as trimming big fan leaves i would not. (i would trim the large fan leaves on the bottom though) they give food to the nugs, if you remove too many the plant may spend its energy growing a new leaf instead of flowers. you can tuck them or even use a paper clip, theres thread on that. good luck. not sure if i really answered your question


Active Member
I untie mine and let them form to how theyre comfy, With a bit of luck you'll get a level canopy but this isnt always the case :)


Well-Known Member
hmm .... somethings to think about .. after posting the question i got rid of all the small lower growth that won't amount to much .. i have a good bit of tops. I vegged for 2 months and tied them hard. I have an almost completely level canopy (which is why i didn't untie yet. I've given them breathers where i cut ties for a few days.
My only problem is is that i'm using cfls. So it'll be nice to have those nice colas, but as it is with cfls, they'll be nowhere near as heavy as it could.
good looking out all!!