LST/Lollipop 600w coco 2 tree grow, week 6 flowering pics!


Active Member
Week 6 day 4 flowering

im only growing 2 plants here in a 1.2m deep X 1.4m wide X 2.0m high tent

lighting is provided by a digital 600w hps in a cooltube.

medium is coco with a small perlite layer at the boom and a small clay ball layer on top, all in big ass pots, drained to waste.

they were vegd for 6 weeks or so i cant really remember.

nutes are gh 3 part + florablend + silicon + flora nectar pineapple rush + liquid kool bloom + dry kool bloom. obviously not all at once, bu yes all gen hyje

lst'd the shit out of one (60/40 hybrid) and lollipopped my 100% indica due to space restrictions.

what are your thoughts? will my colas fatten much from here on? or is it just resin production




Well-Known Member
Good job man. Looks great, Yes they should swell a little more :) nice 2 plants under a 600w. i also use 600w


Active Member
im unsure on the strain! they were both obtained from a fellow green card holder. unfortunatley im not in touch with him anymore, but all strains he grew were carefully selected.

ill update this thread every couple of days with new pics and eventually the glorious harvest pics and my yield!

Here is an unclose pic so you guys can get an idea of just how good im doing this grow :)
im sure all that lovely green foliage ive been trying hard to retain will vanish once i hit them with KB Dry on the 27th......

Highly reccomend Liquid Kool bloom + Flora Nectar PineRush combo!


Active Member
So this week I began ripening.

Using my GH nute set, this means dropping Liquid Kool Bloom out of the mix and adding Dry Kool Bloom. Also changing ratios of Micro-Bloom, and slowly adding even more Flora Nectar.

My ratio of Micro-Bloom currently sits at 6-14 parts respectively. the ppm of my feed mix maxed at week 6 at 1300ppm however now that ive hit week 7 i am dropping this down to 900ppm. This includes the Dry Kool Bloom at 1/3 tsp per gallon.





Active Member
anybody have experience with making butter out of water cured product? This way, does the taste improve, or the colour, or both? and is it possible to get a higher potency butter by using water cured budds?




Active Member
can someone tell me if the yellowing on some of my fan leaves in pics 2 posts above looks normal?

normal yellowing off at end of flower cycle V. nute deficiencies this late in the game (Scary!) ??