LST on skywlaker kush and super lemon haze


New Member

I am wanting to grow these two strains. I would like to try out LST and topping them. I have heard that super lemon haze responds well to suppercropping. Have anyone grow these two strains ? How well to they respond to LST and topping ? I cant veg them more then 3 weeks since i have a small growing area, how will LST/topping work with short veg time and when should i start training them ? :confused:

I could use all the advise there is, if you have any experience with these strains then please help me out on this one :roll:
If any extra info is needed then just let me know :hump:

Thank you for your time :joint:


Well-Known Member
If it is anything like the Jedi OG Kush that I am growing, she loves LST.

I am growing a single plant in a 2x2 area and it is running up against all 4 sides:

Journal is in my sig


Well-Known Member

I am wanting to grow these two strains. I would like to try out LST and topping them. I have heard that super lemon haze responds well to suppercropping. Have anyone grow these two strains ? How well to they respond to LST and topping ? I cant veg them more then 3 weeks since i have a small growing area, how will LST/topping work with short veg time and when should i start training them ? :confused:

I could use all the advise there is, if you have any experience with these strains then please help me out on this one :roll:
If any extra info is needed then just let me know :hump:

Thank you for your time :joint:
I cant speak for the SLH but Skywalker kush loves to be supercropped and this is what I strongly advise.


New Member
Thanks guys for the information! Im am thinking to replace the super lemon haze with super lemon OG, that way i will have 2 OG strains in my grow room and i think they will grow more alike. Have anyone grown this strain before ? I would like to suppercrop one of them and LST/top the other one to see wich works better for my grow op.

All the advice is welcome! I will start journal for my grow op soon. My growing room is 1,5m X 1,5m x 2.2m. I will use 8pot (11l) atami wilma hydroponics system, one for each strain under 1000w HPS covered with Magnum XXXL air cooled reflectors + 2x 125w CFL with reflectors. For air intake i will us extraxtor fan 600m3/h running 15min every hour, for air outlet i will have corbon filter running 24/7 with extraxtor fan 125m3/h. I will feed them with General hydroponics micro, bloom and grow with earth juice from xatalyst, pro silicate from growtek and nutriboost from nutrilife. 3-4 week veg time to suppercrop and LST/top them should be fine ?


Well-Known Member
Picture 064.jpgPicture 063.jpgPicture 065.jpgi just started some skywalker & have several slh grows under my belt slh responds very well to lst,supercropping & being topped here is pics of my slh & soon ill be kicking off my skywalker grow