LST or SOG? Better for my cab? Experts chime in!


Well-Known Member
My next grow will be White Widow!:-P I have a three ft. high cab, 2.5 ft wide 1.7 ft long. I'll have a 250 watt HPS inside a cooltube. With this set up and growing WW (a sativa dominant strain?) would it best from a yeild standpoint to start 4 or 5 seeds (the most large plants I think my setup could handle) and LST however many females I end up with, or start 3 seeds, flower a cutting off each one to determine sex, and use any females for a source of clones to do a SOG? I'd like to avoid building a separate mother cab, so I was envisioning a small clone area as the only other peice of equipment I'd need to add. Where I could establish and put into flower the cuttings I use to determine sex, and then to establish clones for the SOG. I don't neccesarily need to think PERPETUAL.


Well-Known Member
:weed: anyway I would build that other area for cloning, flower cuttings, determine mother and clone.. it's the fastest if you want to harvest bud every 30 days or so thats the only way to go unless you get seeds that auto flower like lowrider then thats a diff story with that system your mother should be mature and that means the clones will be mature :)


Well-Known Member
i would do a sog if I were you, but it will take a lil longer becuse you got wait for the clones to establish, but will a sog you you can fit like 10 plants in a small area, and that means 10 main colas, the good thing about clones is all you need is a very small area and like 2 cfls, i use a small tuperware 1x1x1 for my clones humidy dome, and once you get some clones , you can clones those ect, sog cut down on veg time to because flower them when relativly small, as opposed to veging and lst grow for a month or took me a while to figure how to clone with the best results so my plants got fucking huge while I was doing trial and error, but now I get about 95% success rate, now i never have to worry about vegging males and waisting grow space and time on these damm males


Well-Known Member
Notmine- So if I built it for cloning, determining sex, I'd still have my mother plant/plants in the flower cab because I don't have enough room to store a cab or box large enough to hold a mother while flowering the clones in a sog. Is that what you were thinking? I figured I'd either take all the cuttings off the mother and either trash her or flower anything thats left if I have room

Natrone- Is this what you do? No seperate space for a mohter, just a 1x1x1 area to establish clones? THat sounds pretty simple, you establish your clones, move them into the flowering room and put right into flower? Or do you veg the clones for a bit to take another cutting off those, flower the originals and when they are done move the other clones in and repeat? I guess timing is crucial, huh?


Well-Known Member
Natrone- Is this what you do? No seperate space for a mohter, just a 1x1x1 area to establish clones? THat sounds pretty simple, you establish your clones, move them into the flowering room and put right into flower? Or do you veg the clones for a bit to take another cutting off those, flower the originals and when they are done move the other clones in and repeat? I guess timing is crucial, huh?
I have a 40 plant sog so i have a seperate place for the clones to veg a litlle bit before i flower them, but my veg spot is very small and I use CFLS to veg a lil bit, my mother is the same spot as my clones the mother is very small though you don't need a large mother, its in a liter coke bottle and probly 8 inches tall, but bushing from topping it and cloning it so much....if i were you i would find a small spot were you can clone, veg the clones a liil bit and have a small mother....if the mother staarts to get to big or something you can take clones of that, and one of your clones can be the new mother, you could do all this in a very small space, and use a couple cfls, I mean you could do this like under the sink in you bathroom or something, you don't need all the fans ect. that you have to have in your flower room


Well-Known Member
Bitchin, sounds good. I'll see what I can do. what kind of box/cabinet do you have you clones/mother in?