Well-Known Member
My next grow will be White Widow! I have a three ft. high cab, 2.5 ft wide 1.7 ft long. I'll have a 250 watt HPS inside a cooltube. With this set up and growing WW (a sativa dominant strain?) would it best from a yeild standpoint to start 4 or 5 seeds (the most large plants I think my setup could handle) and LST however many females I end up with, or start 3 seeds, flower a cutting off each one to determine sex, and use any females for a source of clones to do a SOG? I'd like to avoid building a separate mother cab, so I was envisioning a small clone area as the only other peice of equipment I'd need to add. Where I could establish and put into flower the cuttings I use to determine sex, and then to establish clones for the SOG. I don't neccesarily need to think PERPETUAL.