lst pics is this ok

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yeah this should all turn out pretty good ill keep updating here with pics on my lst plants see you on the 11th..haha :weed:


Well-Known Member
ummm..what are you asking? needs to clean up some of these threads! put a pic up of a 1 week old plant! worried about it bending?...OMG..seriously....really?

I am sorry if you take this rude..but it was meant to be rude!....I am still shaking my head!..there is more than enough threads on here to teach you every thing you need to put up a pic of your plant that really is doing nothing but vegging at my guess 2 weeks with NO info...basically.."Hey guess..look ..I can grow weed"..what was the point of this thread?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
today i mixed in some blood meal into all of the soil i have sitting. dont know the exact ratio but i can tell this soil need more nutrients in it and blood meal is an organic way to add nitrogen am i right? it said 12-0-0 for npk. this soil will sit until i need to transplant next. peacebongsmilie

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
IMG091.jpgIMG093.jpgIMG094.jpgIMG095.jpgIMG097.jpgIMG098.jpgIMG099.jpg alright its the 11th and here are some pics i just took. the lst'd plants are definatley showing more branch growth than the regular plants in the last pics.. tell me how they look and if there is anything you guys would change atm..that is realistic of course


Active Member
I guess I had a Uber case of beginners luck.
I did the 4 cola thing Uncle Buck is known for,
Then tied the 4 mains down horizontal.
Absolute Madness.:shock:


Well-Known Member

Get more aggressive with your training tomake the side branches into new tops. As long as the stem hasn't turn woody it shouldn't snap.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
thanks for the input bro i cant really do anything about the lighting its been rainy for past 2 days so they may not look to happy.. i have them up top in my greenhouse IMG104.jpg those are the real stretched ones haha. hate the whole male female thing gonna have to grow these bad boys/girls all summer


Active Member
Looking good mr wut :)

You started out a bit carefulll it seems, perhaps affraid of breaking off branches.
Tip: give the plant some water, wait a few hours, then do the LST, the branches become less susceptable to breaking.

Also, I'm getting the impression your not fully understanding the intentions of LST.
LST is used to force side branching in such a manner that you get more spread of your side branches, resulting in to them becomming bigger stronger branches which cover more area of your grow location surface.

If left normal, most of those branches would grow right besides the main stem, and become small and insignificant as it would get overshadowed by the main stem and cola.

Using the LST method you can direct the growth in such a way that you get an optimum spread of your bud sites.
A lot of people combine the LST with topping or fimming, to get more side branching and reducing size differences from the bud sites.
They simply cut the new growth at the main stem's top, which forces the growth potential to focuss on the side branches.
When using LST on those branches, you can direct / steer them where you want them.

I use a form of LST too in my grow, but I do not use string.
I used a few bits of electrical wire in the beginning to force the largest side branches to spread out far next to the main stem.


These are just 5 plants covering a 1,2mx1,2m area. (roughly 4f x 4f)
I bended most of the side branches combined with a form of super cropping to place my bud sites where I want them.
Results should be obvious.

Good luck with your grow :D

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yeah ive realized what lst has the potential to do im gonna experiment quite a bit thanks for the input man thats like a sea of buds