LST with Ace of Spades, CheeseQuake and Purple Arrow...


Active Member
Hello. This is my second attempt at LST (posted in the lst thread). My last grow was 9 plants, 6 from seed, 3 from clone. It went well but my small room was too crowded and the yield was low as a result. This time I am doing 5 plants and I am going to let the veg until they are nice and big.

~Soil grow 1/2 FF Ocean Forest and 1/2 FF Happy Frog with about 25% perlite to lighten the soil
~Small closet, roughly 5' tall with the pots inside if a child's pool (+/-4'x4') So 4'x4'5' basically
~600 watt HPS from start to finish.
~clones planted on 1/25
~(2) ace of spades (2) purple kush and (1) cheese quake
~no Co2 but what my exhaust fan brings in (8" 600cfm with charcoal)

Feel free to comment, give advice or whathaveyou.


Active Member
end of week 1. Not much to look at but you can at least see my setup.

clones took the transplant well. the 2 Purple Kush were in a bubbler so they took a few extra days to take, but overall they are doing well. The ocean forest might be a little hot as the tips of a few plants are yellow -- I am glad I cut it with the happy frog.



Active Member
I have not started using any nutes yet. The Fox Farm soils are very rich and are considered pretty hot, especially the Ocean Forest (that's why I cut it with happy frog). So from what I have read, if you are using the Fox Farm you are not supposed to add any nutes until after the first month. Once that first month is up, I will probably not add any nutes unless they look like they are deficient in something. IN flower, i will add Tiger Bloom, half-strength every other time I water. I will also add Molasses for every watering during flowering.


Active Member
End of week 2. Training going very well and the plants are really responding. I am amazed at the growth rate of all 5 plants. The AOS clones were really large when I got them so they are a little higher than the other three clones. As a result, they have suffered from a small amoun of leaf burn from being too close to the lights. I moved them to the outside of the "ring" and raised the lights about an inch. I will keep a close eye on them.



Active Member
end of week 3.
These pics were taken two days after training. I find that about every other day they need to be re-tied.
Growth is now going beyond the edge of the pots. I put skewers 2/3 the way down the side of the pot and am tying the string to those now.

