

So this being my first growing attempt I figured I would try some lst. I tied em down last night and already they are trying to lift their heads up. I would like some feedback on how you think I did and also what my next move should be, ie: topping, trimming or what?


Well-Known Member
lookin good, i would tp her one time on the tip of the main shoot, also check out my lst thread in the link below, its very helpfull, lots of info, and if you cant find a answer just ask, and someone will help you out.


Oh hell yeah, what an informative thread there mcpurple. Okay then, I will top the very tips of em. Will probably have some more pics up and questions in the near future.


Well-Known Member
sometimes its like 5 days.. i fimmed my plant and it is a branched christmas tree of buds now... looks like a work of art no lie.. and smells skunky as hell.

I am always going to fim my plants now.. i never lst'd how is it?
but fimming owns face.. allows for way more bud growth i've noticed.


Well-Known Member
ok. and no problem anytime you need help just ask. mabye post some pics of your lst girl in my thread in a few when she starts growin steady again