Hmm been not growing since before.. lets seeee lol. No clue but ill ask some stuff
Just wondering how moist is your soil? that top looks really dry (or does your soil get that thin hard layer on top?).
Well imma take it that it may be a little on the dry side. Do you have any drainage holes in the bottom? if so soak that baby. you made your soil right? combined it and all i mean. So you should be confident that you have soil that doesn't compact when watered or hold water like a sponge & holds lots of tiny lil airpockets. fill it up and let her drain
Are you foliar feeding at all? I personally rarely ever foliar feed. from my experience you do get a jump in new growth but also for days it seems like the plant sits at a stand still after that.
Are you giving any nutes? they may be young but that doesn't mean you can't give them something to eat. Even only doing a 5-10% nute feeding will give them a little something. You just don't need to give them the full dose.
If you are using hydroponic solutions feed them the recommended dosage starting now. You'd do it if it was a freshly rooted tiny little clone

why not the seedling
Really your plants aren't that bad for how old they are, a lot of strains aren't fast starters.
Don't stress around your plants

lol don't let them see you thinkin there growing slow bad vibes man, they need good ones..

Still a+ keep up the awesome work and let them be weeds