But I never once said I used it. Look Lucas fans, think slow and concentrate. Say you are a scientist and you developed a 3 part nute line and put it on the shelf. Kinda insulting for someone to use only 2
Calm down tough guy. I never indicated I was defending the lucas formula.
this was from my first post.
"let me ask you, so you just used flora bloom and no flora micro?
how many hydro grows have you completed?"
I asked this because of your comment below.
"The corners being cut was me just using micro bloom."
I was only trying to ascertain if you only used one bottle out of the 3 part system. AND how much experience you have in doing hydro. I also forgot to ask if you were using RO water or not.
but based on your jumping to conclusions and the impatience you seem to have I don't think i'll listen to your opinions on this matter anyways. I prefer to listen to calmer minds.
again I am NOT saying lucas is the correct method.
but I believe if it was found that 3 parts were not needed, a true scientist would not be insulted and would prefer to use the best way.