Luiji's BACK - 672w CFL closet grow (Devil's Fruit, White Widow & Mystery Seed)


Well-Known Member
Hahaha dude ! Pictures up in 45 minutes or lesss!!!!!!! THEY RE KILLING IT !! Adding more bulbs and everything right now


Well-Known Member
DAY 22 !!!! Ever update from here on is a big one, Mystery is still a fucking mystery, no idea whats going on. She was never near the airport i tell ya!!!

All of them look pretty healthy tho, I was expecting maybe to switch to flowering at around day 35 or so, we will see though.

Total watts is 252 as of today :)

Movin on up!!!


White Widow

Devils Fruit



Well-Known Member
Start of Day 24!!! They all are starting to give off that sweet smell ;) I trimed up some of the dead stuff and gave them fresh water with no nutes today!



Well-Known Member
END OF DAY 26 !!!!! Huge Update ! Would like some input to see what everyone thinks so far.

I am going to grab some more soil as soon as I have spare time and transplant them all in to 1.5 Gallon bags. ( Within 10-15 days )

A week or so after transplanting, Ill pop them in to flowering mode! :D Can't wait, but enough talking here are a ton of sweet pics i took for you guys :)

Devils Fruit ( New growth turning purple?!?!?! ) Maybe an awesome thing? Maybe my plants dieing ? Lmao idk but feedback please!

Mystery - I think i've recovered this one but we will keep waiting to see ... such a Mystery !

White Widow - 2 are frikken killing it , and one of them is the smallest plant I have lmao.. pretty funny but those big ones will produce I hope!

All together now!

Enjoy guys , please remember to leave me some comments or help on the questions I had. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Well i hope the devils fruits purple center is just some pheno characteristic coming out and not death coming to it. I mean purple isnt a bad thing usually. I just said one post ago that the devils fruit is killing it and blamo it turns up the FUNKY!!! The one i dont like is that mystery plant. That motherfuckers been eyeballin me since you started this grow. I secretly want to stab it in the face with some fiskars. Just to scare all the other ones into stayin in line and producing. You let me know if it fucks around. Ill stab that bitch. :):):)


Well-Known Member
Ya i hope soo too !! And lmao about the Mystery! Guys im working 10 days straight with 10-14 hour shifts each day so ill post updates as soon as I have time. Prob in a few days!


Well-Known Member
maiden voyage on the cab ? hahaha . Thanks dude , a forest it will be !!!!! They all have a little nitro def. but when I add nutes even like 1 fucking drop they burn. Idk what it is -_- . I cant ever get nutrients right Idk why.


Well-Known Member
Day 31 ladies and gents!

Finally after 12 hours of work, i got home to take some pictures of the girls before they went to sleep. I'm pretty happy with progress so far .

I'm going to be switching them in to flowering within' a week I believe, need money asap lmao. Anyways here are the pics, hope ya enjoy!

White Widow

Devils Fruit


Feel free to comment away! :D